title: Configuration
description: Configuration of VehiclesPlus
published: true
date: 2023-07-22T13:04:13.724Z
editor: markdown
dateCreated: 2023-07-22T09:04:36.338Z
# Configuration
What do you want to configure?
- [Plugin & Locale *Change the generic plugin configuration files.*](/en/vehiclesplus/configuration/plugin)
- [Vehicles *Add your own custom base vehicles or change existing ones.*](/en/vehiclesplus/configuration/vehicles)
- [Sounds *Change the sounds played for a base vehicle.*](/en/vehiclesplus/configuration/sounds)
- [Fuel *Add your own custom fuel or change existing ones.*](/en/vehiclesplus/configuration/fuel)
- [Rims *Add your own custom rim or change existing ones.*](/en/vehiclesplus/configuration/rims)