1. Make sure you have [ThemePark](#themepark) installed.
2. Make sure you have [WorldEdit](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldedit) and [WorldGuard](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldguard) installed.
3. Make sure you have [Vault](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/vault) and an economy manager (like [EssentialsX](https://essentialsx.net/downloads.html)) installed.
4. Download the plugin from [Polymart](https://polymart.org/resource/themeparkplus.2243).
5. Put the plugin JAR into the `/plugins` folder of your server.
**Make sure to follow the ThemeParkPanel instructions first!**
1. Open the `settings.yml` from ThemeParkConnector. Then change the `socket.id` to something unique for your server. Make sure to save the ID somewhere, because you need it for Step 5.
2. Change the `socket.panel` URL to your own panel domain. For example `https://tppanel.mythemeparkserver.com/control/%ID%/%TOKEN%`. *(do **NOT** remove the `%%` variables)*
3. Extract the files from the ThemeParkPanelPlus ZIP into the root folder of your ThemeParkPanel installation.
4. Open the `routes/web.php` and append the following at the end: