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2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Migrated to storm
Some checks failed
Java 11 CI / build (push) Has been cancelled
Java 17 CI / build (push) Has been cancelled
2024-08-23 14:12:19 +02:00
Stijn Bannink
e5f31385d5 Started with API overhaul, still WIP 2023-08-20 20:20:23 +02:00
28 changed files with 1627 additions and 2263 deletions

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@ -150,6 +150,10 @@
@ -208,5 +212,19 @@
<!-- STORM, framework for HikariCP data storage -->
<!-- Aikar command framework -->

View file

@ -5,24 +5,24 @@ import org.bstats.bukkit.Metrics;
import org.bstats.charts.SingleLineChart;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.commands.V10LiftCommand;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.commands.V10LiftTabCompleter;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.V10LiftAPI;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.listeners.BlockBreakListener;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.listeners.EntityDamageListener;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.listeners.PlayerInteractListener;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.listeners.SignChangeListener;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.*;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils.ConfigUpdater;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils.UpdateManager;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils.YamlFile;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class V10LiftPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
private static V10LiftPlugin instance;
private static V10LiftAPI api;
private static YamlFile config;
private static DBManager dbManager;
@ -36,18 +36,20 @@ public class V10LiftPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
instance = this;
getLogger().info("V10Lift v" + getDescription().getVersion());
getLogger().info("Made by SBDeveloper");
getLogger().info(" ");
//Load the API
getLogger().info("Loading API...");
api = new V10LiftAPI();
//Load the config
getLogger().info("Loading configs...");
config = new YamlFile("config");
//And update config
try {
ConfigUpdater.update(this, "config.yml", config.getJavaFile(), Collections.emptyList());
} catch (IOException e) {
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("[V10Lift] Couldn't update the config.yml. Please check the stacktrace below.");
//Load the messages
messages = new YamlFile("messages");
@ -59,88 +61,101 @@ public class V10LiftPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
//Load the database
dbManager = new DBManager("data");
getLogger().info("Loading lifts from storage...");
dbManager = new DBManager(this, "data");
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("[V10Lift] Couldn't connect to the SQLite database. Please check the stacktrace below.");
} catch (Exception e) {
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Couldn't load lifts from data storage.", e);
//Load vault if found
if (VaultManager.setupPermissions()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Loading Vault hook for group whitelist support.");
getLogger().info("Loading Vault hook for group whitelist support.");
vault = true;
//Load worldedit if found
if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldEdit") != null) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Loading WorldEdit hook for selection support.");
getLogger().info("Loading WorldEdit hook for selection support.");
worldEdit = true;
//Load the command
getCommand("v10lift").setExecutor(new V10LiftCommand());
getCommand("v10lift").setTabCompleter(new V10LiftTabCompleter());
getLogger().info("Registering commands...");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Couldn't load commands.", e);
//Register the listeners
getLogger().info("Registering events...");
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PlayerInteractListener(), this);
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new BlockBreakListener(), this);
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SignChangeListener(), this);
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new EntityDamageListener(), this);
//Load metrics
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Loading metrics. Can be disabled in the global bStats config.");
getLogger().info("Loading metrics. Can be disabled in the global bStats config.");
Metrics metrics = new Metrics(this, 6564);
metrics.addCustomChart(new SingleLineChart("lifts", () -> DataManager.getLifts().size()));
metrics.addCustomChart(new SingleLineChart("lifts", () -> api.getLifts().size()));
//Load the update checker
if (getSConfig().getFile().getBoolean("UpdateChecker.Enabled")) {
UpdateManager updateManager = new UpdateManager(this, 72317);
UpdateManager updateManager = new UpdateManager(this, UpdateManager.CheckType.SPIGOT);
updateManager.handleResponse((versionResponse, version) -> {
switch (versionResponse) {
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("[V10Lift] There is a new version available! Current: " + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " New: " + version.get());
getLogger().warning("There is a new version available! Current: " + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " New: " + version.get());
if (getSConfig().getFile().getBoolean("UpdateChecker.DownloadOnUpdate")) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Trying to download the update. This could take some time...");
getLogger().info("Trying to download the update. This could take some time...");
updateManager.handleDownloadResponse((downloadResponse, fileName) -> {
switch (downloadResponse) {
case DONE:
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Update downloaded! If you restart your server, it will be loaded. Filename: " + fileName);
getLogger().info("Update downloaded! If you restart your server, it will be loaded. Filename: " + fileName);
case ERROR:
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Something went wrong when trying downloading the latest version.");
getLogger().severe("Something went wrong when trying downloading the latest version.");
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("[V10Lift] Unable to download the latest version.");
getLogger().warning("Unable to download the latest version.");
case LATEST:
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] You are running the latest version [" + this.getDescription().getVersion() + "]!");
getLogger().info("You are running the latest version [" + this.getDescription().getVersion() + "]!");
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] You are running a newer version [" + this.getDescription().getVersion() + "]! This is probably fine.");
getLogger().info("You are running a newer version [" + this.getDescription().getVersion() + "]! This is probably fine.");
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Unable to perform an update check.");
getLogger().severe("Unable to perform an update check.");
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Plugin loaded successfully!");
getLogger().info("Plugin loaded successfully!");
public void onDisable() {;
getLogger().info("Saving lifts...");
try {;
} catch (SQLException e) {
//We can't do anything about it here, just inform the user
getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Couldn't save lifts to data storage.", e);
getLogger().info("Plugin disabled!");
instance = null;

View file

@ -1,96 +1,57 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api;
import com.cryptomorin.xseries.XMaterial;
import org.bukkit.*;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.*;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.runnables.DoorCloser;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.runnables.MoveLift;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.Lift;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.LiftSign;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.DataManager;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.ForbiddenBlockManager;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils.LocationSerializer;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.ConfigUtil;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.BlockStateUtil;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.DoorUtil;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;
* The Main API class, for all the API methods
public class V10LiftAPI {
private static V10LiftAPI instance;
private V10LiftAPI() {
public static V10LiftAPI getInstance() {
if (instance == null) instance = new V10LiftAPI();
return instance;
/* Private API methods */
private void sortFloors(@Nonnull Lift lift) {
ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Floor>> as = new ArrayList<>(lift.getFloors().entrySet());
as.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(o -> o.getValue().getY()));
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Floor>> iter = as.iterator();
Map.Entry<String, Floor> e;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
e =;
lift.getFloors().put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
private void startLift(String liftName) {
if (!DataManager.containsMovingTask(liftName)) {
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
DataManager.addMovingTask(liftName, Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(V10LiftPlugin.getInstance(), new MoveLift(liftName, lift.getSpeed()), lift.getSpeed(), lift.getSpeed()));
/* API methods */
@todo Fix creating lifts in adventure not working
private final List<Lift> lifts = new ArrayList<>();
* Create a new Lift
* @param p The player [owner] of the lift
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @return true if created, false if null or already exists
* @return The lift object, or null if already exists
public boolean createLift(Player p, String liftName) {
if (p == null || liftName == null || DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return false;
public Lift createLift(@Nonnull Player p, @Nonnull String liftName) {
if (isLift(liftName)) return null;
DataManager.addLift(liftName, new Lift(p.getUniqueId(), V10LiftPlugin.getSConfig().getFile().getInt("DefaultSpeed"), V10LiftPlugin.getSConfig().getFile().getBoolean("DefaultRealistic")));
return true;
Lift lift = new Lift(p.getUniqueId(), V10LiftPlugin.getSConfig().getFile().getInt("DefaultSpeed"), V10LiftPlugin.getSConfig().getFile().getBoolean("DefaultRealistic"));
return lift;
* Remove a lift
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @return true if removed, false if null or doesn't exists
* @param lift The lift
* @return true if removed, false if failure (check console)
public boolean removeLift(String liftName) {
if (liftName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return false;
public boolean deleteLift(Lift lift) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<UUID, String>> iter = DataManager.getEditors().entrySet().iterator();
HashSet<UUID> activeEdits = new HashSet<>();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<UUID, String> entry =;
if (entry.getValue().equals(liftName)) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(lift.getName())) {
@ -107,32 +68,37 @@ public class V10LiftAPI {
if (DataManager.containsMovingTask(liftName)) {
if (DataManager.containsMovingTask(lift.getName())) {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isLift(@Nonnull String name) {
return -> lift.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name));
public Optional<Lift> getLift(@Nonnull String name) {
return -> lift.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)).findFirst();
* Get the name of a lift by a location (checking for cab blocks)
* @param loc The location you want to check for
* @return The liftname
public String getLiftByLocation(Location loc) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Lift> entry : DataManager.getLifts().entrySet()) {
for (LiftBlock block : entry.getValue().getBlocks()) {
//Check for world, x and z
if (block.getWorld().equals(Objects.requireNonNull(loc.getWorld(), "World is null at getLiftByLocation").getName()) && block.getX() == loc.getBlockX() && block.getZ() == loc.getBlockZ()) {
return entry.getKey();
return null;
public Optional<Lift> getLift(@Nonnull Location loc) {
return -> lift.getBlocks().stream().anyMatch(block -> block.getWorld().equals(loc.getWorld().getName()) && block.getX() == loc.getBlockX() && block.getZ() == loc.getBlockZ())).findFirst();
@ -141,13 +107,12 @@ public class V10LiftAPI {
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param newName The new name of the lift
public void renameLift(String liftName, String newName) {
if (liftName == null || newName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return;
public boolean renameLift(@Nonnull String liftName, @Nonnull String newName) {
Optional<Lift> liftOpt = getLift(liftName);
if (liftOpt.isEmpty() || isLift(newName)) return false;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
DataManager.addLift(newName, lift);
for (LiftSign ls : lift.getSigns()) {
for (LiftSign ls : liftOpt.get().getSigns()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(ls.getWorld()), "World is null at renameLift").getBlockAt(ls.getX(), ls.getY(), ls.getZ());
BlockState bs = block.getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) continue;
@ -155,557 +120,9 @@ public class V10LiftAPI {
si.setLine(1, newName);
* Add a block to a lift
* Use {@link V10LiftAPI#sortLiftBlocks(String liftName)} after!
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param block The block
* @return 0 if added, -1 if null or doesn't exists, -2 if forbidden, -3 if already added
public int addBlockToLift(String liftName, Block block) {
if (liftName == null || block == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return -1;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
return addBlockToLift(lift.getBlocks(), block);
* Add a block to a lift
* Use {@link V10LiftAPI#sortLiftBlocks(String liftName)} after!
* @param blocks The blockset
* @param block The block
* @return 0 if added, -1 if null or doesn't exists, -2 if forbidden, -3 if already added
public int addBlockToLift(Set<LiftBlock> blocks, @Nonnull Block block) {
return addBlockToLift(blocks, new LiftBlock(block));
* Add a block to a lift
* Use {@link V10LiftAPI#sortLiftBlocks(String liftName)} after!
* @param blocks The blockset
* @param block The LiftBlock
* @return 0 if added, -2 if forbidden, -3 if already added
public int addBlockToLift(@Nonnull Set<LiftBlock> blocks, @Nonnull LiftBlock block) {
if (ForbiddenBlockManager.isForbidden(block.getMat())) return -2;
if (blocks.contains(block)) return -3;
return 0;
* Remove a block from a lift
* Use {@link V10LiftAPI#sortLiftBlocks(String liftName)} after!
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param block The block
* @return 0 if removed, -1 if null or doesn't exists, -2 if not added
public int removeBlockFromLift(String liftName, Block block) {
if (liftName == null || block == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return -1;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
LiftBlock lb = new LiftBlock(block);
if (!lift.getBlocks().contains(lb)) return -2;
return 0;
* Switch a block at a lift
* Use {@link V10LiftAPI#sortLiftBlocks(String liftName)} after!
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param block The block
* @return 0 if added, 1 if removed, -1 if null or doesn't exists, -2 if not added
public int switchBlockAtLift(String liftName, Block block) {
if (liftName == null || block == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return -1;
return switchBlockAtLift(DataManager.getLift(liftName).getBlocks(), block);
* Switch a block at a lift
* Use {@link V10LiftAPI#sortLiftBlocks(String liftName)} after!
* @param blocks The blockset
* @param block The block
* @return 0 if added, 1 if removed, -1 if null or doesn't exists, -2 if not added
public int switchBlockAtLift(TreeSet<LiftBlock> blocks, Block block) {
if (blocks == null || block == null) return -1;
if (ForbiddenBlockManager.isForbidden(block.getType())) return -2;
LiftBlock lb = new LiftBlock(block);
if (blocks.contains(lb)) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Sort the blocks of a lift.
* Use this after they have been modified.
* @param liftName The name of the lift
public void sortLiftBlocks(String liftName) {
if (liftName != null && DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) {
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
if (lift.getWorldName() == null) lift.setWorldName(lift.getBlocks().first().getWorld());
World world = Bukkit.getWorld(lift.getWorldName());
if (world == null) return;
for (LiftBlock lb : lift.getBlocks()) {
if (lb.getY() < lift.getY()) {
* Open the door
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @return true/false
public boolean openDoor(String liftName) {
if (liftName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return false;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
if (lift.getQueue() != null) return false;
Floor f = null;
for (Floor fl : lift.getFloors().values()) {
if (fl.getY() == lift.getY() && fl.getWorld().equals(lift.getWorldName())) {
f = fl;
if (f == null) return false;
if (lift.getDoorOpen() != null && !closeDoor(liftName)) return false;
for (LiftBlock lb : f.getDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at openDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
for (LiftBlock lb : f.getRealDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at openDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
if (lift.isRealistic()) lift.setDoorCloser(new DoorCloser(liftName));
return true;
* Open the door
* @param lift The lift
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param f The floor
* @return true/false
public boolean openDoor(Lift lift, String liftName, Floor f) {
if (lift == null || liftName == null || f == null) return false;
if (lift.getDoorOpen() != null && !closeDoor(liftName)) return false;
for (LiftBlock lb : f.getDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at openDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
for (LiftBlock lb : f.getRealDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at openDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
if (lift.isRealistic()) lift.setDoorCloser(new DoorCloser(liftName));
return true;
* Close a lift door
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @return true if door was closed, false if else.
public boolean closeDoor(String liftName) {
if (liftName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return false;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
boolean blocked = false;
if (lift.getDoorOpen() == null) {
return true;
if (lift.isRealistic()) {
for (LiftBlock lb : lift.getDoorOpen().getDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at closeDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
for (Entity ent : block.getChunk().getEntities()) {
Location loc = ent.getLocation();
if (loc.getBlockX() == lb.getX() && loc.getBlockY() == lb.getY() && loc.getBlockZ() == lb.getZ()) {
blocked = true;
if (blocked) break;
for (LiftBlock lb : lift.getDoorOpen().getRealDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at closeDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
for (Entity ent : block.getChunk().getEntities()) {
Location loc = ent.getLocation();
if (loc.getBlockX() == lb.getX() && loc.getBlockY() == lb.getY() && loc.getBlockZ() == lb.getZ()) {
blocked = true;
if (blocked) break;
if (!blocked) {
for (LiftBlock lb : lift.getDoorOpen().getDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at closeDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
BlockState state = block.getState();
for (LiftBlock lb : lift.getDoorOpen().getRealDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at closeDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
if (lift.getDoorCloser() != null) lift.getDoorCloser().stop();
return !blocked;
* To check if a lift has an open door.
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @return true if open, false if else
public boolean hasDoorOpen(String liftName) {
return (liftName != null && DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) && DataManager.getLift(liftName).getDoorOpen() != null;
* Adds a new floor to a lift
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param floorName The name of the floor
* @param floor The floor object
* @return 0 if added, -1 if null or doesn't exists, -2 if height is to high, -3 if floor already exists
public int addFloor(String liftName, String floorName, Floor floor) {
if (liftName == null || floorName == null || floor == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName) || floor.getWorld() == null)
return -1;
if (floor.getY() > Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(floor.getWorld()), "World is null at addNewFloor!").getMaxHeight())
return -2;
if (floorName.length() > 13) floorName = floorName.substring(0, 13).trim();
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
if (lift.getFloors().containsKey(floorName) || lift.getFloors().containsValue(floor)) return -3;
lift.getFloors().put(floorName, floor);
return 0;
* Removes a floor from a lift
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param floorName The name of the floor
* @return true if removed, false if null or doesn't exists
public boolean removeFloor(String liftName, String floorName) {
if (liftName == null || floorName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return false;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
if (!lift.getFloors().containsKey(floorName)) return false;
lift.getInputs().removeIf(liftBlock -> liftBlock.getFloor().equals(floorName));
return true;
* Rename a floor from a lift
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param oldName The old name of the floor
* @param newName The new name of the floor
* @return 0 if renamed, -1 if null or doesn't exists, -2 if floor doesn't exists, -3 if floor already exists
public int renameFloor(String liftName, String oldName, String newName) {
if (liftName == null || oldName == null || newName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return -1;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
if (!lift.getFloors().containsKey(oldName)) return -2;
if (newName.length() > 13) newName = newName.substring(0, 13).trim();
if (lift.getFloors().containsKey(newName)) return -3;
Floor f = lift.getFloors().get(oldName);
lift.getFloors().put(newName, f);
Iterator<LiftInput> liter = lift.getInputs().iterator();
LiftInput lb;
ArrayList<LiftInput> newBlocks = new ArrayList<>();
while (liter.hasNext()) {
lb =;
if (lb.getFloor().equals(oldName)) {
newBlocks.add(new LiftInput(lb.getWorld(), lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ(), newName));
newBlocks.forEach(nlb -> lift.getInputs().add(nlb));
return 0;
* Check if a lift is defective
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @return true/false
public boolean isDefective(String liftName) {
if (liftName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return false;
return DataManager.getLift(liftName).isDefective();
* Set a lift to (not) defective
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param state true/false
* @return 0 if set, -1 if null or doesn't exists, -2 if same state, -3 if no signs, -4 if wrong sign
public int setDefective(String liftName, boolean state) {
if (liftName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return -1;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
boolean oldState = lift.isDefective();
if (oldState == state) return -2;
if (state) {
//Update sign
for (LiftSign ls : lift.getSigns()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(ls.getWorld()), "World is null at setDefective").getBlockAt(ls.getX(), ls.getY(), ls.getZ());
BlockState bs = block.getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Wrong sign removed at: " + LocationSerializer.serialize(block.getLocation()));
return -4;
Sign s = (Sign) bs;
s.setLine(3, ConfigUtil.getConfigText("DefectText"));
//Update all cab signs
for (LiftBlock lb : lift.getBlocks()) {
BlockState bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at setDefective").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) continue;
Sign s = (Sign) bs;
s.setLine(3, ConfigUtil.getConfigText("DefectText"));
} else {
//Update sign
for (LiftSign ls : lift.getSigns()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(ls.getWorld()), "World is null at setDefective").getBlockAt(ls.getX(), ls.getY(), ls.getZ());
BlockState bs = block.getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Wrong sign removed at: " + LocationSerializer.serialize(block.getLocation()));
return -4;
Sign s = (Sign) bs;
s.setLine(3, ls.getOldText());
//Update all cab signs
for (LiftBlock lb : lift.getBlocks()) {
BlockState bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at setDefective").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) continue;
Sign s = (Sign) bs;
s.setLine(3, lift.getSignText());
return 0;
* Get the userWhitelist of a lift
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param floorName The name of the floor
* @return list with UUIDs of the players
public HashSet<UUID> getUserWhitelist(String liftName, String floorName) {
HashSet<UUID> ret = new HashSet<>();
if (liftName != null && floorName != null && DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) {
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
if (lift.getFloors().containsKey(floorName)) {
ret = lift.getFloors().get(floorName).getUserWhitelist();
return ret;
* Get the groupWhitelist of a lift
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param floorName The name of the floor
* @return list with groupnames
public HashSet<String> getGroupWhitelist(String liftName, String floorName) {
HashSet<String> ret = new HashSet<>();
if (liftName != null && floorName != null && DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) {
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
if (lift.getFloors().containsKey(floorName)) {
ret = lift.getFloors().get(floorName).getGroupWhitelist();
return ret;
* Check if a lift is offline
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @return true/false
public boolean isOffline(String liftName) {
if (liftName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return false;
return DataManager.getLift(liftName).isOffline();
* Set a lift to (not) offline
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param state true/false
* @return 0 if set, -1 if null or doesn't exists, -2 if same state
public int setOffline(String liftName, boolean state) {
if (liftName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return -1;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
boolean oldState = lift.isOffline();
if (oldState == state) return -2;
Iterator<LiftSign> liter = lift.getSigns().iterator();
BlockState bs;
Sign sign;
if (state) {
for (LiftBlock lb : lift.getBlocks()) {
bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at setOffline").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) continue;
sign = (Sign) bs;
if (!sign.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase(ConfigUtil.getConfigText("SignText"))) continue;
sign.setLine(3, ConfigUtil.getConfigText("DisabledText"));
while (liter.hasNext()) {
LiftSign ls =;
bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(ls.getWorld()), "World is null at setOffline").getBlockAt(ls.getX(), ls.getY(), ls.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Wrong sign removed at: " + LocationSerializer.serialize(bs.getBlock().getLocation()));
sign = (Sign) bs;
sign.setLine(3, ConfigUtil.getConfigText("DisabledText"));
} else {
for (LiftBlock lb : lift.getBlocks()) {
bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at setOffline").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) continue;
sign = (Sign) bs;
if (!sign.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase(ConfigUtil.getConfigText("SignText"))) continue;
sign.setLine(3, "");
while (liter.hasNext()) {
LiftSign ls =;
bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(ls.getWorld()), "World is null at setOffline").getBlockAt(ls.getX(), ls.getY(), ls.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Wrong sign removed at: " + LocationSerializer.serialize(bs.getBlock().getLocation()));
sign = (Sign) bs;
sign.setLine(3, ls.getOldText());
return 0;
* Check if a lift contains the block as rope
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param block The block
* @return true/false
public boolean containsRope(String liftName, Block block) {
if (liftName == null || block == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return false;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
if (lift.getRopes().isEmpty()) return false;
String world = block.getWorld().getName();
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
for (LiftRope rope : lift.getRopes()) {
if (x != rope.getX() || z != rope.getZ()) continue;
if (y >= rope.getMinY() && y <= rope.getMaxY()) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if a block is a rope
@ -713,218 +130,6 @@ public class V10LiftAPI {
* @return true/false
public boolean isRope(Block b) {
for (String lift : DataManager.getLifts().keySet()) {
if (containsRope(lift, b)) return true;
return false;
* Send info about a lift to a player
* @param sender Where you want to send it to
* @param liftName The name of the lift
public void sendLiftInfo(CommandSender sender, String liftName) {
sendLiftInfo(sender, liftName, DataManager.getLift(liftName));
* Send info about a lift to a player
* @param ent Where you want to send it to
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param lift The lift
public void sendLiftInfo(@Nonnull CommandSender ent, String liftName, @Nonnull Lift lift) {
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Elevator: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + liftName);
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Settings:");
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + " Speed: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + lift.getSpeed());
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + " Realistic Mode: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + lift.isRealistic());
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + " Malfunction: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + lift.isDefective());
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Floors:");
if (lift.getFloors().isEmpty()) {
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "None.");
} else {
for (Map.Entry<String, Floor> entry : lift.getFloors().entrySet()) {
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + " " + entry.getKey() + ":");
Floor f = entry.getValue();
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + " World: " + ChatColor.GREEN + f.getWorld());
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + " Height: " + ChatColor.GREEN + f.getY());
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + " Whitelist:");
if (f.getUserWhitelist().isEmpty() && f.getGroupWhitelist().isEmpty()) {
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + " None.");
} else {
ChatColor color = ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE;
Iterator<UUID> iter = f.getUserWhitelist().iterator();
Iterator<String> iter2 = f.getGroupWhitelist().iterator();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" ").append(color).append(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (color == ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE) {
color = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE;
} else {
color = ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE;
sb.append(ChatColor.AQUA).append(", ").append(color).append(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(;
while (iter2.hasNext()) {
if (color == ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE) {
color = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE;
} else {
color = ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE;
sb.append(ChatColor.AQUA).append(", ").append(color).append("Group: ").append(;
* Add a rope to a lift
* @param lift The name of the lift
* @param world The world
* @param x The x-pos
* @param minY The min y-pos
* @param maxY The max y-pos
* @param z The z-pos
* @return 0 if added, -1 if null or doesn't exists, -2 if not same mat, -3 if already a rope, -4 if forbidden material
public int addRope(String lift, World world, int x, int minY, int maxY, int z) {
if (lift == null || !DataManager.containsLift(lift) || world == null) return -1;
//minY = maxY, so reverse
if (minY > maxY) {
int tempY = minY;
minY = maxY;
maxY = tempY;
Block block = world.getBlockAt(x, minY, z);
if (isRope(block)) return -3;
Material mat = block.getType();
if (ForbiddenBlockManager.isForbidden(mat)) return -4;
for (int i = minY + 1; i <= maxY; i++) {
block = world.getBlockAt(x, i, z);
if (isRope(block)) return -3;
if (block.getType() != mat) return -2;
LiftRope rope = new LiftRope(block, minY, maxY);
return 0;
* Remove a rope from a lift
* @param lift The name of the lift
* @param block The block
* @return true/false
public boolean removeRope(String lift, Block block) {
if (lift == null || block == null || !DataManager.containsLift(lift) || !containsRope(lift, block))
return false;
String world = block.getWorld().getName();
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
Iterator<LiftRope> riter = DataManager.getLift(lift).getRopes().iterator();
while (riter.hasNext()) {
LiftRope rope =;
if (x != rope.getX() || z != rope.getZ()) continue;
if (world.equals(rope.getWorld())) {
if (y >= rope.getMinY() && y <= rope.getMaxY()) {
return true;
return false;
* Set the queue of a lift
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param queue The queue
* @return true/false
public boolean setQueue(String liftName, LinkedHashMap<String, Floor> queue) {
if (liftName == null || queue == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return false;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
lift.setQueue(new LinkedHashMap<>());
for (Map.Entry<String, Floor> e : queue.entrySet()) {
addToQueue(liftName, e.getValue(), e.getKey());
return true;
* Add a location to the queue
* @param lift The name of the lift
* @param y The y-pos
* @param world The world
* @return true/false
public boolean addToQueue(String lift, int y, World world) {
return addToQueue(lift, y, world, null);
* Add a location to the queue
* @param lift The name of the lift
* @param y The y-pos
* @param world The world
* @param floorName The name of the flor
* @return true/false
public boolean addToQueue(String lift, int y, @Nonnull World world, String floorName) {
return addToQueue(lift, new Floor(y, world.getName()), floorName);
* Add a location to the queue
* @param lift The name of the lift
* @param floor The {@link Floor}
* @param floorName The name of the flor
* @return true/false
public boolean addToQueue(String lift, Floor floor, String floorName) {
if (lift == null || floor == null || !DataManager.containsLift(lift)) return false;
Lift l = DataManager.getLift(lift);
if (l.getQueue() == null) {
l.setQueue(new LinkedHashMap<>());
if (!l.getQueue().containsValue(floor)) {
if (floorName == null) {
floorName = ChatColor.MAGIC + "-----";
for (Map.Entry<String, Floor> e : l.getFloors().entrySet()) {
if (e.getValue().equals(floor)) {
floorName = e.getKey();
floor = e.getValue();
l.getQueue().put(floorName, floor);
return true;
return false;
return getLifts().stream().anyMatch(lift -> lift.containsRope(b));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.lists;
import lombok.Setter;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.Floor;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class LiftQueue {
private final LinkedHashMap<String, Floor> queue = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private LiftQueueListener listener;
public void empty() {
public interface LiftQueueListener {
void onQueueChange();
public void requestFloor(String floorName, Floor floor) {
if (!queue.containsKey(floorName)) {
queue.put(floorName, floor);
if (listener != null) {
public Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Floor>> iterator() {
return queue.entrySet().iterator();
public boolean hasRequests() {
return !queue.isEmpty();
public String getNextFloor(String currentFloor, boolean movingUp) {
if (!hasRequests()) return null;
String nextFloor = currentFloor;
for (Map.Entry<String, Floor> entry : queue.entrySet()) {
if ((movingUp && entry.getValue().getY() > entry.getValue().getY()) || (!movingUp && entry.getValue().getY() < entry.getValue().getY())) {
nextFloor = entry.getKey();
return nextFloor;

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.ToString;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.UUID;
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import java.util.UUID;
public class Floor {
private String world;
private int y;
private ArrayList<LiftBlock> doorBlocks = new ArrayList<>();

View file

@ -1,11 +1,27 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects;
import com.craftmend.storm.api.StormModel;
import com.craftmend.storm.api.markers.Column;
import com.craftmend.storm.api.markers.Table;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.ToString;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.lists.LiftQueue;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.runnables.DoorCloser;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.ForbiddenBlockManager;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils.LocationSerializer;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.ConfigUtil;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.DoorUtil;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.*;
@ -14,36 +30,56 @@ import java.util.*;
public class Lift {
@Table(name = "lifts")
public class Lift extends StormModel {
private String name;
private String worldName;
private int y;
private HashSet<UUID> owners;
private final TreeSet<LiftBlock> blocks = new TreeSet<>();
private final LinkedHashMap<String, Floor> floors = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private final HashSet<LiftSign> signs = new HashSet<>();
private final HashSet<LiftInput> inputs = new HashSet<>();
private final HashSet<LiftInput> offlineInputs = new HashSet<>();
private LinkedHashMap<String, Floor> queue = null;
private final LiftQueue queue = new LiftQueue();
private final HashSet<LiftRope> ropes = new HashSet<>();
private int speed;
private boolean realistic;
private boolean offline = false;
private boolean sound = true;
private boolean defective = false;
private String signText = null;
private int counter = 0;
private Floor doorOpen = null;
private DoorCloser doorCloser = null;
@ -74,4 +110,684 @@ public class Lift {
this.speed = speed;
this.realistic = realistic;
* Add a block to a lift
* Use {@link Lift#sortLiftBlocks()} after!
* @param block The block
* @return 0 if added, -2 if forbidden, -3 if already added
public int addBlock(@Nonnull Block block) {
return addBlock(getBlocks(), block);
* Add a block to a lift
* Use {@link Lift#sortLiftBlocks()} after!
* @param blocks The blockset
* @param block The block
* @return 0 if added, -2 if forbidden, -3 if already added
public int addBlock(@Nonnull Set<LiftBlock> blocks, @Nonnull Block block) {
return addBlock(blocks, new LiftBlock(block));
* Add a block to a lift
* Use {@link Lift#sortLiftBlocks()} after!
* @param blocks The blockset
* @param block The LiftBlock
* @return 0 if added, -2 if forbidden, -3 if already added
public int addBlock(@Nonnull Set<LiftBlock> blocks, @Nonnull LiftBlock block) {
if (ForbiddenBlockManager.isForbidden(block.getMat())) return -2;
if (blocks.contains(block)) return -3;
return 0;
* Remove a block from a lift
* Use {@link Lift#sortLiftBlocks()} after!
* @param block The block
* @return true if removed, false if doesn't exists
public boolean removeBlock(@Nonnull Block block) {
LiftBlock lb = new LiftBlock(block);
if (!getBlocks().contains(lb)) return false;
return true;
* Switch a block at a lift
* Use {@link Lift#sortLiftBlocks()} after!
* @param block The block
* @return 0 if added, 1 if removed, -2 if not added
public int switchBlock(@Nonnull Block block) {
return switchBlock(getBlocks(), block);
* Switch a block at a lift
* Use {@link Lift#sortLiftBlocks()} after!
* @param blocks The blockset
* @param block The block
* @return 0 if added, 1 if removed, -2 if not added
public int switchBlock(@Nonnull TreeSet<LiftBlock> blocks, @Nonnull Block block) {
if (ForbiddenBlockManager.isForbidden(block.getType())) return -2;
LiftBlock lb = new LiftBlock(block);
if (blocks.contains(lb)) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Sort the blocks of a lift.
* Use this after they have been modified.
public void sortLiftBlocks() {
if (getWorldName() == null) setWorldName(getBlocks().first().getWorld());
World world = Bukkit.getWorld(getWorldName());
if (world == null) return;
for (LiftBlock lb : getBlocks()) {
if (lb.getY() < getY()) {
* Open the door
* @return true/false
public boolean openDoor() {
if (getQueue() != null) return false;
Floor f = null;
for (Floor fl : getFloors().values()) {
if (fl.getY() == getY() && fl.getWorld().equals(getWorldName())) {
f = fl;
if (f == null) return false;
if (getDoorOpen() != null && !closeDoor()) return false;
for (LiftBlock lb : f.getDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at openDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
for (LiftBlock lb : f.getRealDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at openDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
if (isRealistic()) setDoorCloser(new DoorCloser(this));
return true;
* Open the door
* @param f The floor
* @return true/false
public boolean openDoor(@Nonnull Floor f) {
if (getDoorOpen() != null && !closeDoor()) return false;
for (LiftBlock lb : f.getDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at openDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
for (LiftBlock lb : f.getRealDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at openDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
if (isRealistic()) setDoorCloser(new DoorCloser(this));
return true;
* Close a lift door
* @return true if door was closed, false if else.
public boolean closeDoor() {
boolean blocked = false;
if (getDoorOpen() == null) {
return true;
if (isRealistic()) {
for (LiftBlock lb : getDoorOpen().getDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at closeDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
for (Entity ent : block.getChunk().getEntities()) {
Location loc = ent.getLocation();
if (loc.getBlockX() == lb.getX() && loc.getBlockY() == lb.getY() && loc.getBlockZ() == lb.getZ()) {
blocked = true;
if (blocked) break;
for (LiftBlock lb : getDoorOpen().getRealDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at closeDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
for (Entity ent : block.getChunk().getEntities()) {
Location loc = ent.getLocation();
if (loc.getBlockX() == lb.getX() && loc.getBlockY() == lb.getY() && loc.getBlockZ() == lb.getZ()) {
blocked = true;
if (blocked) break;
if (!blocked) {
for (LiftBlock lb : getDoorOpen().getDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at closeDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
BlockState state = block.getState();
for (LiftBlock lb : getDoorOpen().getRealDoorBlocks()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at closeDoor").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ());
if (getDoorCloser() != null) getDoorCloser().stop();
return !blocked;
* To check if a lift has an open door.
* @return true if open, false if else
public boolean hasDoorOpen() {
return getDoorOpen() != null;
private void sortFloors() {
ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Floor>> as = new ArrayList<>(getFloors().entrySet());
as.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(o -> o.getValue().getY()));
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Floor>> iter = as.iterator();
Map.Entry<String, Floor> e;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
e =;
getFloors().put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
* Adds a new floor to a lift
* @param floorName The name of the floor
* @param floor The floor object
* @return 0 if added, -1 if world doesn't exist, -2 if height is too high, -3 if floor already exists
public int addFloor(@Nonnull String floorName, @Nonnull Floor floor) {
if (Bukkit.getWorld(floor.getWorld()) == null) return -1;
if (floor.getY() > Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(floor.getWorld()).getMaxHeight())
return -2;
if (floorName.length() > 13) floorName = floorName.substring(0, 13).trim();
if (getFloors().containsKey(floorName) || getFloors().containsValue(floor)) return -3;
getFloors().put(floorName, floor);
return 0;
* Removes a floor from a lift
* @param floorName The name of the floor
* @return true if removed, false if null or doesn't exists
public boolean removeFloor(@Nonnull String floorName) {
if (!getFloors().containsKey(floorName)) return false;
getInputs().removeIf(liftBlock -> liftBlock.getFloor().equals(floorName));
return true;
* Rename a floor from a lift
* @param oldName The old name of the floor
* @param newName The new name of the floor
* @return 0 if renamed, -2 if floor doesn't exists, -3 if floor already exists
public int renameFloor(@Nonnull String oldName, @Nonnull String newName) {
if (!getFloors().containsKey(oldName)) return -2;
if (newName.length() > 13) newName = newName.substring(0, 13).trim();
if (getFloors().containsKey(newName)) return -3;
Floor f = getFloors().get(oldName);
getFloors().put(newName, f);
Iterator<LiftInput> liter = getInputs().iterator();
LiftInput lb;
ArrayList<LiftInput> newBlocks = new ArrayList<>();
while (liter.hasNext()) {
lb =;
if (lb.getFloor().equals(oldName)) {
newBlocks.add(new LiftInput(lb.getWorld(), lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ(), newName));
newBlocks.forEach(nlb -> getInputs().add(nlb));
return 0;
* Set a lift to (not) defective
* @param state true/false
* @return 0 if set, -2 if same state, -3 if no signs, -4 if wrong sign
public int setDefective(boolean state) {
if (defective == state) return -2;
defective = state;
if (state) {
//Update sign
for (LiftSign ls : getSigns()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(ls.getWorld()), "World is null at setDefective").getBlockAt(ls.getX(), ls.getY(), ls.getZ());
BlockState bs = block.getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Wrong sign removed at: " + LocationSerializer.serialize(block.getLocation()));
return -4;
Sign s = (Sign) bs;
s.setLine(3, ConfigUtil.getConfigText("DefectText"));
//Update all cab signs
for (LiftBlock lb : getBlocks()) {
BlockState bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at setDefective").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) continue;
Sign s = (Sign) bs;
s.setLine(3, ConfigUtil.getConfigText("DefectText"));
} else {
//Update sign
for (LiftSign ls : getSigns()) {
Block block = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(ls.getWorld()), "World is null at setDefective").getBlockAt(ls.getX(), ls.getY(), ls.getZ());
BlockState bs = block.getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Wrong sign removed at: " + LocationSerializer.serialize(block.getLocation()));
return -4;
Sign s = (Sign) bs;
s.setLine(3, ls.getOldText());
//Update all cab signs
for (LiftBlock lb : getBlocks()) {
BlockState bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at setDefective").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) continue;
Sign s = (Sign) bs;
s.setLine(3, getSignText());
return 0;
* Get the userWhitelist of a lift
* @param floorName The name of the floor
* @return set with UUIDs of the players
public HashSet<UUID> getUserWhitelist(@Nonnull String floorName) {
HashSet<UUID> ret = new HashSet<>();
if (getFloors().containsKey(floorName)) {
ret = getFloors().get(floorName).getUserWhitelist();
return ret;
* Get the groupWhitelist of a lift
* @param floorName The name of the floor
* @return set with groupnames
public HashSet<String> getGroupWhitelist(@Nonnull String floorName) {
HashSet<String> ret = new HashSet<>();
if (getFloors().containsKey(floorName)) {
ret = getFloors().get(floorName).getGroupWhitelist();
return ret;
* Set a lift to (not) offline
* @param state true/false
* @return 0 if set, -2 if same state
public int setOffline(boolean state) {
if (offline == state) return -2;
offline = state;
Iterator<LiftSign> liter = getSigns().iterator();
BlockState bs;
Sign sign;
if (state) {
for (LiftBlock lb : getBlocks()) {
bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at setOffline").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) continue;
sign = (Sign) bs;
if (!sign.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase(ConfigUtil.getConfigText("SignText"))) continue;
sign.setLine(3, ConfigUtil.getConfigText("DisabledText"));
while (liter.hasNext()) {
LiftSign ls =;
bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(ls.getWorld()), "World is null at setOffline").getBlockAt(ls.getX(), ls.getY(), ls.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Wrong sign removed at: " + LocationSerializer.serialize(bs.getBlock().getLocation()));
sign = (Sign) bs;
sign.setLine(3, ConfigUtil.getConfigText("DisabledText"));
} else {
for (LiftBlock lb : getBlocks()) {
bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(lb.getWorld()), "World is null at setOffline").getBlockAt(lb.getX(), lb.getY(), lb.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) continue;
sign = (Sign) bs;
if (!sign.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase(ConfigUtil.getConfigText("SignText"))) continue;
sign.setLine(3, "");
while (liter.hasNext()) {
LiftSign ls =;
bs = Objects.requireNonNull(Bukkit.getWorld(ls.getWorld()), "World is null at setOffline").getBlockAt(ls.getX(), ls.getY(), ls.getZ()).getState();
if (!(bs instanceof Sign)) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Wrong sign removed at: " + LocationSerializer.serialize(bs.getBlock().getLocation()));
sign = (Sign) bs;
sign.setLine(3, ls.getOldText());
return 0;
* Check if a lift contains the block as rope
* @param block The block
* @return true/false
public boolean containsRope(@Nonnull Block block) {
if (getRopes().isEmpty()) return false;
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
for (LiftRope rope : getRopes()) {
if (x != rope.getX() || z != rope.getZ()) continue;
if (y >= rope.getMinY() && y <= rope.getMaxY()) {
return true;
return false;
* Send info about a lift to a player
* @param ent Where you want to send it to
public void sendInfo(@Nonnull CommandSender ent) {
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Elevator: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + name);
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Settings:");
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + " Speed: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + getSpeed());
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + " Realistic Mode: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + isRealistic());
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + " Malfunction: " + ChatColor.YELLOW + isDefective());
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Floors:");
if (getFloors().isEmpty()) {
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "None.");
} else {
for (Map.Entry<String, Floor> entry : getFloors().entrySet()) {
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + " " + entry.getKey() + ":");
Floor f = entry.getValue();
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + " World: " + ChatColor.GREEN + f.getWorld());
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + " Height: " + ChatColor.GREEN + f.getY());
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + " Whitelist:");
if (f.getUserWhitelist().isEmpty() && f.getGroupWhitelist().isEmpty()) {
ent.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + " None.");
} else {
ChatColor color = ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE;
Iterator<UUID> iter = f.getUserWhitelist().iterator();
Iterator<String> iter2 = f.getGroupWhitelist().iterator();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" ").append(color).append(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (color == ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE) {
color = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE;
} else {
color = ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE;
sb.append(ChatColor.AQUA).append(", ").append(color).append(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(;
while (iter2.hasNext()) {
if (color == ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE) {
color = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE;
} else {
color = ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE;
sb.append(ChatColor.AQUA).append(", ").append(color).append("Group: ").append(;
* Add a rope to a lift
* @param world The world
* @param x The x-pos
* @param minY The min y-pos
* @param maxY The max y-pos
* @param z The z-pos
* @return 0 if added, -2 if not same mat, -3 if already a rope, -4 if forbidden material
public int addRope(@Nonnull World world, int x, int minY, int maxY, int z) {
//minY = maxY, so reverse
if (minY > maxY) {
int tempY = minY;
minY = maxY;
maxY = tempY;
Block block = world.getBlockAt(x, minY, z);
if (V10LiftPlugin.getApi().isRope(block)) return -3;
Material mat = block.getType();
if (ForbiddenBlockManager.isForbidden(mat)) return -4;
for (int i = minY + 1; i <= maxY; i++) {
block = world.getBlockAt(x, i, z);
if (V10LiftPlugin.getApi().isRope(block)) return -3;
if (block.getType() != mat) return -2;
LiftRope rope = new LiftRope(block, minY, maxY);
return 0;
* Remove a rope from a lift
* @param block The block
* @return true/false
public boolean removeRope(@Nonnull Block block) {
if (!containsRope(block))
return false;
String world = block.getWorld().getName();
int x = block.getX();
int y = block.getY();
int z = block.getZ();
Iterator<LiftRope> riter = getRopes().iterator();
while (riter.hasNext()) {
LiftRope rope =;
if (x != rope.getX() || z != rope.getZ()) continue;
if (world.equals(rope.getWorld())) {
if (y >= rope.getMinY() && y <= rope.getMaxY()) {
return true;
return false;
// /**
// * Set the queue of a lift
// *
// * @param liftName The name of the lift
// * @param queue The queue
// * @return true/false
// */
// public boolean setQueue(String liftName, LinkedHashMap<String, Floor> queue) {
// if (liftName == null || queue == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) return false;
// Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
// lift.setQueue(new LinkedHashMap<>());
// for (Map.Entry<String, Floor> e : queue.entrySet()) {
// addToQueue(liftName, e.getValue(), e.getKey());
// }
// return true;
// }
// /**
// * Add a location to the queue
// *
// * @param lift The name of the lift
// * @param y The y-pos
// * @param world The world
// * @return true/false
// */
// public boolean addToQueue(String lift, int y, World world) {
// return addToQueue(lift, y, world, null);
// }
// /**
// * Add a location to the queue
// *
// * @param lift The name of the lift
// * @param y The y-pos
// * @param world The world
// * @param floorName The name of the flor
// * @return true/false
// */
// public boolean addToQueue(String lift, int y, @Nonnull World world, String floorName) {
// return addToQueue(lift, new Floor(y, world.getName()), floorName);
// }
// /**
// * Add a location to the queue
// *
// * @param lift The name of the lift
// * @param floor The {@link Floor}
// * @param floorName The name of the flor
// * @return true/false
// */
// public boolean addToQueue(String lift, Floor floor, String floorName) {
// if (lift == null || floor == null || !DataManager.containsLift(lift)) return false;
// Lift l = DataManager.getLift(lift);
// if (l.getQueue() == null) {
// l.setQueue(new LinkedHashMap<>());
// }
// if (!l.getQueue().containsValue(floor)) {
// if (floorName == null) {
// floorName = ChatColor.MAGIC + "-----";
// for (Map.Entry<String, Floor> e : l.getFloors().entrySet()) {
// if (e.getValue().equals(floor)) {
// floorName = e.getKey();
// floor = e.getValue();
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// l.getQueue().put(floorName, floor);
// startLift(lift);
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
// private void start(String liftName) {
// if (!DataManager.containsMovingTask(liftName)) {
// Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
// DataManager.addMovingTask(liftName, Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(V10LiftPlugin.getInstance(), new MoveLift(liftName, lift.getSpeed()), lift.getSpeed(), lift.getSpeed()));
// }
// }

View file

@ -3,17 +3,18 @@ package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.runnables;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.V10LiftAPI;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.Lift;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.DataManager;
* The DoorCloser runnable, used for checking if the door can be closed.
public class DoorCloser implements Runnable {
private final String liftName;
private final Lift lift;
private final int taskID;
public DoorCloser(String liftName) {
this.liftName = liftName;
public DoorCloser(Lift lift) {
this.lift = lift;
final long doorCloseTime = V10LiftPlugin.getSConfig().getFile().getLong("DoorCloseTime");
this.taskID = Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(V10LiftPlugin.getInstance(), this, doorCloseTime, doorCloseTime).getTaskId();
@ -21,11 +22,11 @@ public class DoorCloser implements Runnable {
public void run() {
if (V10LiftAPI.getInstance().closeDoor(liftName)) stop();
if (lift.closeDoor()) stop();
public void stop() {
if (DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) DataManager.getLift(liftName).setDoorCloser(null);

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.runnables;
import com.cryptomorin.xseries.XMaterial;
import com.cryptomorin.xseries.XSound;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
@ -11,14 +10,13 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.V10LiftAPI;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.enums.LiftDirection;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.*;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.AntiCopyBlockManager;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.DataManager;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils.LocationSerializer;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.ConfigUtil;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.BlockStateUtil;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.ConfigUtil;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
@ -67,15 +65,16 @@ public class MoveLift implements Runnable {
public void run() {
//Check if lift exists
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
if (lift == null) {
Optional<Lift> liftOpt = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(liftName);
if (liftOpt.isEmpty()) {
Lift lift = liftOpt.get();
//If the queue is NOT empty and the lift is NOT offline
if (lift.getQueue().isEmpty() || lift.isOffline()) {
//If the queue is NOT empty and the lift is offline
if (lift.getQueue().hasRequests() || lift.isOffline()) {
@ -122,12 +121,12 @@ public class MoveLift implements Runnable {
if (changeOfDefect > 0.0D) {
double chance = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(100);
if (chance < changeOfDefect) {
V10LiftAPI.getInstance().setDefective(liftName, true);
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Floor>> queueIterator = lift.getQueue().entrySet().iterator();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Floor>> queueIterator = lift.getQueue().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, Floor> floor =;
String floorName = floor.getKey();
Floor floorTo = floor.getValue();
@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ public class MoveLift implements Runnable {
List<LiftBlock> antiCopyBlocks = new ArrayList<>();
if (direction == LiftDirection.UP || direction == LiftDirection.DOWN) {
if (!V10LiftAPI.getInstance().closeDoor(liftName)) return;
if (!lift.closeDoor()) return;
if (direction == LiftDirection.UP) {
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ public class MoveLift implements Runnable {
if (rope.getCurrently() > rope.getMaxY()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Lift " + liftName + " reaches the upper rope end but won't stop!!");
V10LiftAPI.getInstance().setDefective(liftName, true);
@ -305,7 +304,7 @@ public class MoveLift implements Runnable {
if (rope.getCurrently() < rope.getMinY()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Lift " + liftName + " reaches the upper rope end but won't stop!!");
V10LiftAPI.getInstance().setDefective(liftName, true);
stopAfter = true;
@ -388,7 +387,7 @@ public class MoveLift implements Runnable {
ls.setState((byte) 0);
V10LiftAPI.getInstance().openDoor(lift, liftName, floorTo);
if (lift.isRealistic()) lift.setCounter(ft);

View file

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.commands;
import co.aikar.commands.BaseCommand;
import co.aikar.commands.CommandHelp;
import co.aikar.commands.annotation.*;
import com.cryptomorin.xseries.XMaterial;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
@ -25,285 +25,102 @@ import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.ConfigUtil;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.WorldEditUtil;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.*;
public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
public boolean onCommand(@Nonnull CommandSender sender, @Nonnull Command cmd, @Nonnull String label, @Nonnull String[] args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
return helpCommand(sender);
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("info") && args.length == 1) {
//v10lift info
return infoCommand(sender);
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("list") && args.length == 1) {
//v10lift list
if (sender.hasPermission("v10lift.list") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return listCommand(sender);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("create") && (args.length == 1 || args.length == 2)) {
//v10lift create || v10lift create <Name>
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return createCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("delete") && args.length == 2) {
//v10lift delete <Name>
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return deleteCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("edit") && (args.length == 1 || args.length == 2)) {
//v10lift edit <Name>
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return editCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("floor") && (args.length == 3 || args.length == 4)) {
//v10lift floor add <Name> || v10lift floor del <Name> || v10lift floor rename <Old> <New>
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return floorCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("input") && (args.length == 2 || args.length == 3)) {
//v10lift input add <Floor name> || v10lift input del
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return inputCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("offline") && args.length == 2) {
//v10lift offline add || v10lift offline del
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return offlineCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("rename") && args.length == 2) {
//v10lift rename <New name>
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return renameCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("build") && args.length == 1) {
//v10lift build
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return buildCommand(sender);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("build") && args.length == 2 && args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("worldedit")) {
//v10lift build worldedit
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
if (!V10LiftPlugin.isWorldEditEnabled()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Build.WorldEditNotEnabled");
return true;
return buildWorldEditCommand(sender);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("rope") && args.length == 2) {
//v10lift rope add || v10lift rope del
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return ropeCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("door") && (args.length == 1 || args.length == 2)) {
//v10lift door <Name> || v10lift door
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return doorCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("whitelist") && (args.length == 3 || args.length == 4)) {
//v10lift whitelist add <Player> <Floor> || v10lift whitelist del <Player> <Floor>
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return whitelistCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("whois") && (args.length == 1 || args.length == 2)) {
//v10lift whois || v10lift whois <Name>
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return whoisCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("speed") && (args.length == 2 || args.length == 3)) {
//v10lift speed <Speed> [Name]
if (args.length == 2 && !(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return speedCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("sound") && args.length == 1) {
//v10lift sound
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return soundCommand(sender);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("realistic") && args.length == 1) {
//v10lift realistic
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return realisticCommand(sender);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("abort") && args.length == 1) {
//v10lift abort
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.PlayerOnly");
return true;
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return abortCommand(sender);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reload") && args.length == 1) {
//v10lift reload
if (sender.hasPermission("v10lift.reload") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return reloadCommand(sender);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("repair") && args.length == 2) {
//v10lift repair <Name>
if (sender.hasPermission("") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return repairCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("disable") && args.length == 2) {
//v10lift disable <Name>
if (sender.hasPermission("v10lift.disable") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return disableCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setoffline") && args.length == 3) {
//v10lift setoffline <Name> <State>
if (sender.hasPermission("v10lift.setoffline") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return setOfflineCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("start")) {
//v10lift start <Name> <Floor>
if (sender.hasPermission("v10lift.start") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return startCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("stop")) {
//v10lift stop <Name>
if (sender.hasPermission("v10lift.stop") || sender.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
return stopCommand(sender, args);
} else {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
} else {
return helpCommand(sender);
return true;
@Description("The main command for V10Lift")
public class V10LiftCommand extends BaseCommand {
public static void onHelp(CommandSender sender, CommandHelp help) {
private boolean listCommand(CommandSender sender) {
@Description("Get information about the plugin")
public void infoCommand(CommandSender sender) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "V10Lift v" + V10LiftPlugin.getInstance().getDescription().getVersion());
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Made by SBDeveloper");
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + " ");
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Type /v10lift help for more information!");
@Description("List all lifts")
public void listCommand(CommandSender sender) {
//Send list of all lifts
Map<String, Lift> lifts = DataManager.getLifts();
List<Lift> lifts = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLifts();
if (lifts.isEmpty()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "List.NoLifts");
return true;
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "List.Header");
for (String liftName : lifts.keySet()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "List.Lift", Map.of("%Name%", liftName));
for (Lift lift : lifts) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "List.Lift", Map.of("%Name%", lift.getName()));
return true;
@Description("Create a lift")
public void createCommand(Player p, @co.aikar.commands.annotation.Optional String name) {
if (DataManager.containsPlayer(p.getUniqueId())) {
//Already building!!
if (name == null) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(p, "General.IncorrectUsage", Collections.singletonMap("%Command%", "/v10lift create <Name>"));
TreeSet<LiftBlock> blocks = DataManager.getPlayer(p.getUniqueId());
if (blocks.isEmpty()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(p, "Create.NoBlocks");
Lift lift = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().createLift(p, name);
if (lift == null) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(p, "General.AlreadyExists");
blocks.forEach(block -> lift.addBlock(lift.getBlocks(), block));
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(p, "Create.Created", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", name));
p.performCommand("v10lift edit " + name);
} else {
//Not building yet!!
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(p, "Create.AddBlocks");
@Description("Delete a lift")
public void deleteCommand(Player p, Lift lift) {
if (!V10LiftPlugin.getApi().deleteLift(lift)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(p, "Delete.NotRemoved", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", lift.getName()));
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(p, "Delete.Removed", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", lift.getName()));
private boolean setOfflineCommand(CommandSender sender, @Nonnull String[] args) {
String liftName = args[1];
boolean newState = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[2]);
if (!DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) {
Optional<Lift> liftOpt = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(liftName);
if (liftOpt.isEmpty()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.DoesntExists");
return true;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
Lift lift = liftOpt.get();
@ -326,74 +143,73 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
private boolean disableCommand(CommandSender sender, @Nonnull String[] args) {
String liftName = args[1];
if (!DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) {
Optional<Lift> liftOpt = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(liftName);
if (liftOpt.isEmpty()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.DoesntExists");
return true;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
Lift lift = liftOpt.get();
if (lift.isDefective()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Disable.AlreadyDefective");
return true;
V10LiftAPI.getInstance().setDefective(liftName, true);
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Disable.Disabled");
return true;
private boolean stopCommand(CommandSender sender, @Nonnull String[] args) {
String liftName;
Optional<Lift> liftOpt;
if (args.length == 1 && sender instanceof Player) {
//v10lift stop -> Get liftName from loc and floorName from sign
Player p = (Player) sender;
liftName = V10LiftAPI.getInstance().getLiftByLocation(p.getLocation());
liftOpt = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(p.getLocation());
} else if (args.length == 1) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Stop.NonPlayer");
return true;
} else {
liftName = args[1];
liftOpt = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(args[1]);
if (liftName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) {
if (liftOpt.isEmpty()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.DoesntExists");
return true;
Lift lift = liftOpt.get();
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
if (!lift.getQueue().isEmpty()) lift.getQueue().clear();
if (lift.getQueue().hasRequests()) lift.getQueue().empty();
if (!DataManager.containsMovingTask(liftName)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Stop.NoMovingTasks", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", liftName));
if (!DataManager.containsMovingTask(lift.getName())) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Stop.NoMovingTasks", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", lift.getName()));
return true;
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Stop.Stopped", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", liftName));
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Stop.Stopped", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", lift.getName()));
return true;
private boolean startCommand(CommandSender sender, @Nonnull String[] args) {
String liftName;
Optional<Lift> liftOpt;
if (args.length == 1 && sender instanceof Player) {
//v10lift start -> Get liftName from loc and floorName from sign
//v10lift stop -> Get liftName from loc and floorName from sign
Player p = (Player) sender;
liftName = V10LiftAPI.getInstance().getLiftByLocation(p.getLocation());
liftOpt = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(p.getLocation());
} else if (args.length == 1) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Start.NonPlayer");
return true;
} else {
liftName = args[1];
liftOpt = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(args[1]);
if (liftName == null || !DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) {
if (liftOpt.isEmpty()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.DoesntExists");
return true;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
Lift lift = liftOpt.get();
String floorName = null;
if (args.length == 1 || args.length == 2) {
@ -418,20 +234,19 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
Floor f = lift.getFloors().get(floorName);
V10LiftAPI.getInstance().addToQueue(liftName, f, floorName);
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Start.Started", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", liftName));
lift.getQueue().requestFloor(floorName, f);
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Start.Started", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", lift.getName()));
return true;
private boolean reloadCommand(CommandSender sender) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Lift> e : DataManager.getLifts().entrySet()) {
String lift = e.getKey();
if (DataManager.containsMovingTask(lift)) {
for (Lift lift : V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLifts()) {
if (DataManager.containsMovingTask(lift.getName())) {
@ -439,7 +254,7 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -486,7 +301,7 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
if (DataManager.containsBuilderPlayer(p.getUniqueId())) {
abort = true;
@ -515,12 +330,12 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
private boolean repairCommand(CommandSender sender, @Nonnull String[] args) {
String liftName = args[1];
if (!DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) {
Optional<Lift> liftOpt = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(liftName);
if (liftOpt.isEmpty()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.DoesntExists");
return true;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(liftName);
Lift lift = liftOpt.get();
if (!lift.isDefective()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Repair.NotDefective");
@ -553,7 +368,7 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
V10LiftAPI.getInstance().setDefective(liftName, false);
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Repair.Repaired");
return true;
@ -565,7 +380,7 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
return true;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(DataManager.getEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId()));
Lift lift = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(DataManager.getEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId())).get();
if (lift.isRealistic()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Realistic.TurnedOn");
@ -582,7 +397,7 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
return true;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(DataManager.getEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId()));
Lift lift = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(DataManager.getEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId())).get();
if (lift.isSound()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Sound.TurnedOn");
@ -595,11 +410,11 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
private boolean speedCommand(CommandSender sender, @Nonnull String[] args) {
Lift lift;
if (args.length == 3) {
if (!DataManager.containsLift(args[2])) {
if (!V10LiftPlugin.getApi().isLift(args[2])) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.DoesntExists");
return true;
lift = DataManager.getLift(args[2]);
lift = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(args[2]).get();
} else {
Player p = (Player) sender;
if (!DataManager.containsEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId())) {
@ -607,7 +422,7 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
return true;
lift = DataManager.getLift(DataManager.getEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId()));
lift = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(DataManager.getEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId())).get();
try {
@ -634,10 +449,10 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Whois.WithoutName");
} else {
String liftName = args[1];
if (!DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) {
if (!V10LiftPlugin.getApi().isLift(liftName)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Whois.DoesntExists");
} else {
V10LiftAPI.getInstance().sendLiftInfo(sender, liftName);
return true;
@ -1145,100 +960,4 @@ public class V10LiftCommand implements CommandExecutor {
return true;
private boolean deleteCommand(@Nonnull CommandSender sender, @Nonnull String[] args) {
Player p = (Player) sender;
if (!DataManager.containsLift(args[1])) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.DoesntExists");
return true;
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(args[1]);
if (!lift.getOwners().contains(p.getUniqueId()) && !p.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.NoPermission");
return true;
if (!V10LiftAPI.getInstance().removeLift(args[1])) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Delete.NotRemoved", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", args[1]));
return true;
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Delete.Removed", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", args[1]));
return true;
private boolean createCommand(@Nonnull CommandSender sender, @Nonnull String[] args) {
Player p = (Player) sender;
if (DataManager.containsPlayer(p.getUniqueId())) {
//Already building!!
if (args.length < 2) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.IncorrectUsage", Collections.singletonMap("%Command%", "/v10lift create <Name>"));
return true;
TreeSet<LiftBlock> blocks = DataManager.getPlayer(p.getUniqueId());
if (blocks.isEmpty()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Create.NoBlocks");
return true;
if (!V10LiftAPI.getInstance().createLift(p, args[1])) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(sender, "General.AlreadyExists");
return true;
TreeSet<LiftBlock> blcks = DataManager.getLift(args[1]).getBlocks();
blocks.forEach(block -> V10LiftAPI.getInstance().addBlockToLift(blcks, block));
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(p, "Create.Created", Collections.singletonMap("%Name%", args[1]));
p.performCommand("v10lift edit " + args[1]);
} else {
//Not building yet!!
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(p, "Create.AddBlocks");
return true;
private boolean infoCommand(@Nonnull CommandSender sender) {
sender.sendMessage("§6V10Lift plugin made by §aSBDeveloper");
sender.sendMessage("§6Version: " + V10LiftPlugin.getInstance().getDescription().getVersion());
sender.sendMessage("§6Type /v10lift help for more information!");
return true;
private boolean helpCommand(@Nonnull CommandSender sender) {
sender.sendMessage("§8V10Lift commands:");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift info§f: Gives you information about the plugin.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift help§f: Gives you this help page.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift reload§f: Reload the plugin.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift create [Name]§f: Create a lift.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift delete <Name>§f: Delete a lift.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift rename <New name>§f: Rename a lift.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift abort§f: Abort your action.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift whois [Name]§f: See information about a lift.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift edit [Name]§f: Edit a lift.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift floor <add/del/rename> <Name> [New name]§f: Add/remove/rename a floor.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift input <add/del> [Floorname]§f: Add/remove an input.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift offline <add/del>§f: Add/remove an offline input.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift build§f: Add/remove blocks to/from a cab.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift rope <add/del>§f: Add/remove a rope.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift door§f: Add doors to a lift.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift speed <New speed>§f: Change the speed of a lift.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift realistic§f: Toggle realistic mode.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift repair§f: Repair a lift.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift whitelist <add/del> <Player/Group> [Floorname]§f: Add/remove someone of the whitelist. Use g:<Groupname> for a group.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift start [Name] [Floor]§f: Start a lift to a floor.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift stop [Name]§f: Stop a lift.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift disable <Name>§f: Disable a lift.");
sender.sendMessage("§6/v10lift repair <Name>§f: Repair a lift.");
return true;

View file

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.commands;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.util.StringUtil;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.Lift;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.DataManager;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.VaultManager;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class V10LiftTabCompleter implements TabCompleter {
private static final List<String> COMMANDS = Arrays.asList("create", "delete", "rename", "abort", "whois", "edit", "floor", "input", "build", "rope", "door", "speed", "realistic", "repair", "disable", "whitelist", "reload", "help", "start", "stop", "offline", "list", "setoffline");
private static final List<String> SUBRENAME = Arrays.asList("add", "del", "rename");
private static final List<String> SUB = Arrays.asList("add", "del");
private static final List<String> BOOL = Arrays.asList("true", "false");
public List<String> onTabComplete(@Nonnull CommandSender commandSender, @Nonnull Command cmd, @Nonnull String label, @Nonnull String[] args) {
if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("v10lift")) {
if (args.length == 1) {
return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(args[0], COMMANDS, new ArrayList<>());
} else if (args.length == 2) {
//Command based sub-commands
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("delete")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("edit")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("whois")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("repair")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("disable")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("start")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("stop")) {
return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(args[1], DataManager.getLifts().keySet(), new ArrayList<>());
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("floor")) {
return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(args[1], SUBRENAME, new ArrayList<>());
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("input")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("offline")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("whitelist")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("rope")) {
return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(args[1], SUB, new ArrayList<>());
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setoffline")) {
return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(args[1], BOOL, new ArrayList<>());
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("build") && V10LiftPlugin.isWorldEditEnabled()) {
return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(args[1], List.of("worldedit"), new ArrayList<>());
} else if (args.length == 3) {
//Command based arguments
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("floor") && (args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("del") || args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("rename"))) {
if (commandSender instanceof Player) {
Player p = (Player) commandSender;
if (DataManager.containsEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId())) {
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(DataManager.getEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId()));
return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(args[2], lift.getFloors().keySet(), new ArrayList<>());
} else if ((args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("input")
|| args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("offline")) && args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("del")) {
if (commandSender instanceof Player) {
Player p = (Player) commandSender;
if (DataManager.containsEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId())) {
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(DataManager.getEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId()));
return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(args[2], lift.getFloors().keySet(), new ArrayList<>());
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("whitelist")) {
ArrayList<String> playerOrGroupNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (V10LiftPlugin.isVaultEnabled()) {
return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(args[2], playerOrGroupNames, new ArrayList<>());
} else if (args.length == 4) {
//Command based arguments
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("whitelist")) {
if (commandSender instanceof Player) {
Player p = (Player) commandSender;
if (DataManager.containsEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId())) {
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(DataManager.getEditPlayer(p.getUniqueId()));
return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(args[3], lift.getFloors().keySet(), new ArrayList<>());
return null;

View file

@ -7,31 +7,27 @@ import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.V10LiftAPI;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.Floor;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.Lift;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.LiftBlock;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.LiftInput;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.DataManager;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.ConfigUtil;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.DoorUtil;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
public class BlockBreakListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent e) {
Block b = e.getBlock();
if (V10LiftAPI.getInstance().isRope(b)) {
if (V10LiftPlugin.getApi().isRope(b)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(e.getPlayer(), "General.RemoveRopeFirst");
LiftBlock tlb = new LiftBlock(b);
for (Map.Entry<String, Lift> entry : DataManager.getLifts().entrySet()) {
Lift lift = entry.getValue();
for (Lift lift : V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLifts()) {
if (lift.getBlocks().contains(tlb)) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(e.getPlayer(), "General.RemoveLiftFirst");

View file

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.V10LiftAPI;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.Lift;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.LiftBlock;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.DataManager;
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ public class EntityDamageListener implements Listener {
int y = loc.getBlockY();
int z = loc.getBlockZ();
for (Lift lift : DataManager.getLifts().values()) {
for (Lift lift : V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLifts()) {
for (LiftBlock lb : lift.getBlocks()) {
if (world.equals(lb.getWorld()) && x == lb.getX() && y == lb.getY() && z == lb.getZ()) {

View file

@ -7,11 +7,13 @@ import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.Lift;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.LiftSign;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.DataManager;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.utils.ConfigUtil;
import java.util.Optional;
public class SignChangeListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
@ -25,12 +27,13 @@ public class SignChangeListener implements Listener {
if (!DataManager.containsLift(lines[1])) {
Optional<Lift> liftOpt = V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(lines[1]);
if (liftOpt.isEmpty()) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(e.getPlayer(), "General.DoesntExists");
Lift lift = liftOpt.get();
Lift lift = DataManager.getLift(lines[1]);
if (!lift.getOwners().contains(p.getUniqueId()) && !p.hasPermission("v10lift.admin")) {
ConfigUtil.sendMessage(e.getPlayer(), "General.NoPermission");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.locale;
import co.aikar.commands.MessageType;
import co.aikar.locales.MessageKey;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers.ACFHandler;
import java.util.Map;
public class Locale {
private Locale() {
* Get a translated message
* @param key the key to the message
* @return the translated message string
public static String getMessage(Message key) {
return getMessage(key.getMessageKey());
* Get a translated message
* @param msg the key to the message
* @return the translated message string
public static String getMessage(MessageKey msg) {
String message = ACFHandler.getManager().formatMessage(null, MessageType.INFO, msg);
return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', message);
* Get a translated message
* @param key the key to the message
* @param args the arguments to the message
* @return the translated message string
public static String getMessage(Message key, Map<String, String> args) {
return getMessage(key.getMessageKey(), args);
* Get a translated message
* @param msg the key to the message
* @param args the arguments to the message
* @return the translated message string
public static String getMessage(MessageKey msg, Map<String, String> args) {
//Turn map into array (key, value, key, value, etc.)
String[] argsArray = new String[args.size() * 2];
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : args.entrySet()) {
argsArray[i] = entry.getKey();
argsArray[i + 1] = entry.getValue();
i += 2;
String message = ACFHandler.getManager().formatMessage(null, MessageType.INFO, msg, argsArray);
return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', message);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.locale;
import co.aikar.locales.MessageKey;
import co.aikar.locales.MessageKeyProvider;
public enum Message implements MessageKeyProvider {
private final MessageKey key;
Message() {
this.key = MessageKey.of(convertConstantToLanguageKey("v10lift." +;
public MessageKey getMessageKey() {
return this.key;
private static String convertConstantToLanguageKey(String constant) {
StringBuilder languageKey = new StringBuilder();
String[] words = constant.split("_");
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
String word = words[i].toLowerCase();
if (i > 0) {
return languageKey.toString();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
* All the event listeners of V10Lift
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.locale;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers;
import co.aikar.commands.PaperCommandManager;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.Lift;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.commands.V10LiftCommand;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils.YamlFile;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class ACFHandler {
private static final String[] defaultLanguages = new String[]{"en"};
private static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^lang_([a-z]{2})\\.yml$");
private ACFHandler() {
private static PaperCommandManager manager;
public static void init(JavaPlugin plugin) throws IOException {
manager = new PaperCommandManager(plugin);
manager.getCommandContexts().registerContext(Lift.class, c -> V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLift(c.popFirstArg().toLowerCase()).orElse(null));
manager.getCommandCompletions().registerCompletion("lifts", c -> V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLifts().stream().map(Lift::getName).collect(Collectors.toList()));
manager.registerCommand(new V10LiftCommand());
File localeDir = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "locale");
for (String lang : defaultLanguages) {
YamlFile file = new YamlFile("locale/lang_" + lang);
for (File file : localeDir.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.startsWith("lang_") && name.endsWith(".yml"))) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(file.getName());
if (!matcher.matches()) continue;
try {
manager.getLocales().loadYamlLanguageFile(file, Locale.forLanguageTag(;
} catch (IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) {
plugin.getLogger().severe("Couldn't load the language file " + file.getName() + "!");
public static PaperCommandManager getManager() {
return manager;

View file

@ -1,147 +1,64 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.managers;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.Lift;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils.SQLiteDB;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils.StormSQLiteDB;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Collection;
* The DBManager manages the database
public class DBManager {
private static final Gson gson = new Gson();
private static SQLiteDB data;
private static Connection con;
private final StormSQLiteDB data;
* Construct the database manager
* @param name The name of the sqlite database file
* @param plugin The plugin instance
* @param dbName The name of the sqlite database file
public DBManager(String name) {
data = new SQLiteDB(name);
public DBManager(JavaPlugin plugin, String dbName) {
try {
con = data.getConnection();
String query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lifts (liftName varchar(255) NOT NULL, liftData blob NOT NULL, UNIQUE (liftName))";
PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(query);
data = new StormSQLiteDB(plugin, dbName);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't connect to the database!", e);
* Load the database from data
* @throws SQLException If the SQL SELECT fails
* @throws Exception If the data couldn't be loaded
public void load() throws SQLException {
String query = "SELECT * FROM lifts";
PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet liftSet = statement.executeQuery();
while ( {
//Loading a lift...
* @todo Fix migrating from 1.12.2- to 1.13+
* - byte to Facing for signs
* - Facing opposite for ropes
* - New materials
byte[] blob = liftSet.getBytes("liftData");
String json = new String(blob);
Lift lift = gson.fromJson(json, Lift.class);
DataManager.addLift(liftSet.getString("liftName"), lift);
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Loading lift " + liftSet.getString("liftName") + " from data...");
public void load() throws Exception {
Collection<Lift> lifts = data.getStorm().buildQuery(Lift.class)
* Remove a lift from data
* Save the data to the database
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @throws SQLException If the data couldn't be saved
public void remove(String liftName) {
if (!DataManager.containsLift(liftName)) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Removing lift " + liftName + " to data...");
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(V10LiftPlugin.getInstance(), () -> {
try {
String query = "DELETE FROM lifts WHERE liftName = ?";
PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(query);
statement.setString(1, liftName);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void save() throws SQLException {
for (Lift lift : V10LiftPlugin.getApi().getLifts()) {
* Save all lifts to data
public void save() {
for (Map.Entry<String, Lift> entry : DataManager.getLifts().entrySet()) {
saveLift(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), true);
* Save a lift to data
* Remove a lift from the database
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param lift The lift itself
* @param lift The lift to remove
* @throws SQLException If the lift couldn't be removed
public void saveLift(String liftName, Lift lift, boolean sync) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Saving lift " + liftName + " to data...");
byte[] blob = gson.toJson(lift).getBytes();
if (sync) {
updateLift(liftName, blob);
} else {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(V10LiftPlugin.getInstance(), () -> updateLift(liftName, blob));
* Update a lift in data
* @param liftName The name of the lift
* @param liftData The JSON blob of the lift object
private void updateLift(String liftName, byte[] liftData) {
try {
String query = "INSERT INTO lifts (liftName, liftData) VALUES (?, ?)";
PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(query);
statement.setString(1, liftName);
statement.setBytes(2, liftData);
} catch (SQLException ignored) {
try {
String query2 = "UPDATE lifts SET liftData = ? WHERE liftName = ?";
PreparedStatement statement2 = con.prepareStatement(query2);
statement2.setBytes(1, liftData);
statement2.setString(2, liftName);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void remove(Lift lift) throws SQLException {

View file

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.api.objects.LiftBlock;
import java.util.*;
public class DataManager {
/* A manager for general HashMaps */
@Getter private static final Map<String, Lift> lifts = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private static final Map<UUID, TreeSet<LiftBlock>> builds = new LinkedHashMap<>();
@Getter private static final Map<UUID, String> editors = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private static final Map<UUID, String> inputEdits = new LinkedHashMap<>();
@ -22,26 +20,6 @@ public class DataManager {
private static final List<UUID> whoisReq = new ArrayList<>();
private static final Map<String, Integer> movingTasks = new HashMap<>();
/* HashMap methods */
// //
public static void addLift(String liftName, Lift lift) {
lifts.put(liftName, lift);
public static void removeLift(String liftName) {
public static boolean containsLift(String liftName) {
return lifts.containsKey(liftName);
public static Lift getLift(String liftName) {
return lifts.get(liftName);
// //
public static boolean containsPlayer(UUID player) {
return builds.containsKey(player);

View file

@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
* A class to update/add new sections/keys to your config while keeping your current values and keeping your comments
* Algorithm:
* Read the new file and scan for comments and ignored sections, if ignored section is found it is treated as a comment.
* Read and write each line of the new config, if the old config has value for the given key it writes that value in the new config.
* If a key has an attached comment above it, it is written first.
* @author tchristofferson
public class ConfigUpdater {
* Update a yaml file from a resource inside your plugin jar
* @param plugin You plugin
* @param resourceName The yaml file name to update from, typically config.yml
* @param toUpdate The yaml file to update
* @param ignoredSections List of sections to ignore and copy from the current config
* @throws IOException If an IOException occurs
public static void update(Plugin plugin, String resourceName, File toUpdate, List<String> ignoredSections) throws IOException {
BufferedReader newReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(plugin.getResource(resourceName), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
List<String> newLines = newReader.lines().collect(Collectors.toList());
FileConfiguration oldConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(toUpdate);
FileConfiguration newConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new InputStreamReader(plugin.getResource(resourceName)));
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(toUpdate), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
List<String> ignoredSectionsArrayList = new ArrayList<>(ignoredSections);
//ignoredSections can ONLY contain configurations sections
ignoredSectionsArrayList.removeIf(ignoredSection -> !newConfig.isConfigurationSection(ignoredSection));
DumperOptions options = new DumperOptions();
Yaml yaml = new Yaml(options);
Map<String, String> comments = parseComments(newLines, ignoredSectionsArrayList, oldConfig, yaml);
write(newConfig, oldConfig, comments, ignoredSectionsArrayList, writer, yaml);
//Write method doing the work.
//It checks if key has a comment associated with it and writes comment then the key and value
private static void write(FileConfiguration newConfig, FileConfiguration oldConfig, Map<String, String> comments, List<String> ignoredSections, BufferedWriter writer, Yaml yaml) throws IOException {
for (String key : newConfig.getKeys(true)) {
String[] keys = key.split("\\.");
String actualKey = keys[keys.length - 1];
String comment = comments.remove(key);
StringBuilder prefixBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int indents = keys.length - 1;
appendPrefixSpaces(prefixBuilder, indents);
String prefixSpaces = prefixBuilder.toString();
if (comment != null) {
writer.write(comment);//No \n character necessary, new line is automatically at end of comment
for (String ignoredSection : ignoredSections) {
if (key.startsWith(ignoredSection)) {
continue outer;
Object newObj = newConfig.get(key);
Object oldObj = oldConfig.get(key);
if (newObj instanceof ConfigurationSection && oldObj instanceof ConfigurationSection) {
//write the old section
writeSection(writer, actualKey, prefixSpaces, (ConfigurationSection) oldObj);
} else if (newObj instanceof ConfigurationSection) {
//write the new section, old value is no more
writeSection(writer, actualKey, prefixSpaces, (ConfigurationSection) newObj);
} else if (oldObj != null) {
//write the old object
write(oldObj, actualKey, prefixSpaces, yaml, writer);
} else {
//write new object
write(newObj, actualKey, prefixSpaces, yaml, writer);
String danglingComments = comments.get(null);
if (danglingComments != null) {
//Doesn't work with configuration sections, must be an actual object
//Auto checks if it is serializable and writes to file
private static void write(Object obj, String actualKey, String prefixSpaces, Yaml yaml, BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException {
if (obj instanceof ConfigurationSerializable) {
writer.write(prefixSpaces + actualKey + ": " + yaml.dump(((ConfigurationSerializable) obj).serialize()));
} else if (obj instanceof String || obj instanceof Character) {
if (obj instanceof String) {
String s = (String) obj;
obj = s.replace("\n", "\\n");
writer.write(prefixSpaces + actualKey + ": " + yaml.dump(obj));
} else if (obj instanceof List) {
writeList((List<?>) obj, actualKey, prefixSpaces, yaml, writer);
} else {
writer.write(prefixSpaces + actualKey + ": " + yaml.dump(obj));
//Writes a configuration section
private static void writeSection(BufferedWriter writer, String actualKey, String prefixSpaces, ConfigurationSection section) throws IOException {
if (section.getKeys(false).isEmpty()) {
writer.write(prefixSpaces + actualKey + ": {}");
} else {
writer.write(prefixSpaces + actualKey + ":");
//Writes a list of any object
private static void writeList(List<?> list, String actualKey, String prefixSpaces, Yaml yaml, BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException {
writer.write(getListAsString(list, actualKey, prefixSpaces, yaml));
private static String getListAsString(List<?> list, String actualKey, String prefixSpaces, Yaml yaml) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(prefixSpaces).append(actualKey).append(":");
if (list.isEmpty()) {
builder.append(" []\n");
return builder.toString();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Object o = list.get(i);
if (o instanceof String || o instanceof Character) {
builder.append(prefixSpaces).append("- '").append(o).append("'");
} else if (o instanceof List) {
builder.append(prefixSpaces).append("- ").append(yaml.dump(o));
} else {
builder.append(prefixSpaces).append("- ").append(o);
if (i != list.size()) {
return builder.toString();
//Key is the config key, value = comment and/or ignored sections
//Parses comments, blank lines, and ignored sections
private static Map<String, String> parseComments(List<String> lines, List<String> ignoredSections, FileConfiguration oldConfig, Yaml yaml) {
Map<String, String> comments = new HashMap<>();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int lastLineIndentCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
String line = lines.get(i);
if (line != null && line.trim().startsWith("-"))
if (line == null || line.trim().equals("") || line.trim().startsWith("#")) {
} else {
lastLineIndentCount = setFullKey(keyBuilder, i, lines, lastLineIndentCount);
for (String ignoredSection : ignoredSections) {
if (keyBuilder.toString().equals(ignoredSection)) {
Object value = oldConfig.get(keyBuilder.toString());
if (value instanceof ConfigurationSection)
appendSection(builder, (ConfigurationSection) value, new StringBuilder(getPrefixSpaces(lastLineIndentCount)), yaml);
continue outer;
if (keyBuilder.length() > 0) {
comments.put(keyBuilder.toString(), builder.toString());
if (builder.length() > 0) {
comments.put(null, builder.toString());
return comments;
private static void appendSection(StringBuilder builder, ConfigurationSection section, StringBuilder prefixSpaces, Yaml yaml) {
Set<String> keys = section.getKeys(false);
if (keys.isEmpty()) {
builder.append(" {}\n");
prefixSpaces.append(" ");
for (String key : keys) {
Object value = section.get(key);
String actualKey = getKeyFromFullKey(key);
if (value instanceof ConfigurationSection) {
appendSection(builder, (ConfigurationSection) value, prefixSpaces, yaml);
prefixSpaces.setLength(prefixSpaces.length() - 2);
} else if (value instanceof List) {
builder.append(getListAsString((List<?>) value, actualKey, prefixSpaces.toString(), yaml));
} else {
builder.append(prefixSpaces).append(actualKey).append(": ").append(yaml.dump(value));
//Check how many times spaces make a jump of at least two
private static int countIndents(int index, List<String> lines) {
int currentSpaces = getSpaces(lines.get(index));
int indents = 0;
for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String line = lines.get(i);
if (line == null || line.trim().equals("")) continue;
int newSpaces = getSpaces(lines.get(i));
// differs at least two
if (newSpaces < currentSpaces - 1) {
currentSpaces = newSpaces;
if (currentSpaces <= 1) break;
return indents;
private static int getSpaces(String line) {
int spaces = 0;
for (char c : line.toCharArray()) {
if (c == ' ') {
spaces += 1;
} else {
return spaces;
//Ex. keyBuilder = key1.key2.key3 --> key1.key2
private static void removeLastKey(StringBuilder keyBuilder) {
String temp = keyBuilder.toString();
String[] keys = temp.split("\\.");
if (keys.length == 1) {
temp = temp.substring(0, temp.length() - keys[keys.length - 1].length() - 1);
private static String getKeyFromFullKey(String fullKey) {
String[] keys = fullKey.split("\\.");
return keys[keys.length - 1];
//Updates the keyBuilder and returns configLines number of indents
private static int setFullKey(StringBuilder keyBuilder, int index, List<String> configLines, int lastLineIndentCount) {
int currentIndents = countIndents(index, configLines);
String key = configLines.get(index).trim().split(":")[0];
if (keyBuilder.length() == 0) {
} else if (currentIndents == lastLineIndentCount) {
//Replace the last part of the key with current key
if (keyBuilder.length() > 0) {
} else if (currentIndents > lastLineIndentCount) {
//Append current key to the keyBuilder
} else {
int difference = lastLineIndentCount - currentIndents;
for (int i = 0; i < difference + 1; i++) {
if (keyBuilder.length() > 0) {
return currentIndents;
private static String getPrefixSpaces(int indents) {
return new String(new char[Math.max(0, indents)]).replace("\0", " ");
private static void appendPrefixSpaces(StringBuilder builder, int indents) {

View file

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Properties;
public class SQLiteDB {
private final String dbName;
private HikariDataSource source;
private Connection con;
* Initialize a new connection
* @param dbName The database name
public SQLiteDB(String dbName) {
this.dbName = dbName;
File dbFile = new File(V10LiftPlugin.getInstance().getDataFolder(), dbName + ".db");
if (!dbFile.exists()) {
try {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Generating the " + dbName + ".db!");
if (!dbFile.createNewFile()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[V10Lift] Couldn't generate the " + dbName + ".db!");
} catch (IOException e) {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Couldn't generate the " + dbName + ".db!");
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
config.setConnectionTestQuery("SELECT 1");
Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.setProperty("date_string_format", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:sqlite:" + dbFile.getAbsolutePath());
this.source = new HikariDataSource(config);
try {
this.con = this.source.getConnection();
} catch (SQLException e) {
* Get the connection, to execute queries
* <p>
* CREATE TABLE - execute()
* SELECT - executeQuery()
* UPDATE - executeUpdate()
* @return Connection
public Connection getConnection() {
return this.con;
* Close the connection
public void closeSource() {
Bukkit.getLogger().info("[V10Lift] Closing the database connection for " + dbName + ".db!");
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils;
import com.craftmend.storm.Storm;
import com.craftmend.storm.connection.hikaricp.HikariDriver;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class StormSQLiteDB {
private final JavaPlugin plugin;
private final String dbName;
private final Storm storm;
* Initialize a new database source
* @param dbName The database name
public StormSQLiteDB(JavaPlugin plugin, String dbName) throws SQLException {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.dbName = dbName;
File dbFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), dbName + ".db");
if (!dbFile.exists()) {
try {
plugin.getLogger().info("Generating the " + dbName + ".db...");
if (!dbFile.createNewFile()) {
throw new IOException("Couldn't generate the " + dbName + ".db!");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't generate the " + dbName + ".db!", e);
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:sqlite:" + dbFile.getAbsolutePath());
config.setConnectionTestQuery("SELECT 1");
this.storm = new Storm(new HikariDriver(config));
* Close the connection
public void closeSource() {
plugin.getLogger().info("Closing the database connection for " + dbName + ".db...");
* Get the database connection
* @return The database connection
public Storm getStorm() {
return storm;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.sbutils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
@ -12,68 +11,62 @@ import;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
* Update class for SBDevelopment
* Update checker class
* @author Stijn [SBDeveloper]
* @version 2.1 [19-11-2021] - This class supports both the v2 Spiget and v2 SBDUpdate API
* <p>&copy; Stijn Bannink [] - All rights reserved.</p>
* @since 05-03-2020
* @version 2.2 [17-04-2022] - Added Polymart support
public class UpdateManager {
private static final JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
private static final String SPIGOT_API = "";
private static final String SPIGOT_API = "";
private static final String SPIGOT_DOWNLOAD = "";
private static final String SBDPLUGINS_API = "";
private static final String SBDPLUGINS_DOWNLOAD = "";
private static final String POLYMART_API = "";
private static final String POLYMART_DOWNLOAD = "";
private final Plugin plugin;
private final Version currentVersion;
private final int resourceID;
private final CheckType type;
private final String license;
//Spigot & Polymart
private final int resourceID;
//Polymart only
private int injector_version;
private int user_id;
private int nonce;
private int download_agent;
private int download_time;
private String download_token;
private BiConsumer<VersionResponse, Version> versionResponse;
private BiConsumer<DownloadResponse, String> downloadResponse;
* Construct a new UpdateManager for Spigot
* Construct a new UpdateManager
* @param plugin The javaplugin (Main class)
* @param resourceID The resourceID on spigot/sbdplugins
* @param plugin The plugin instance
public UpdateManager(Plugin plugin, int resourceID) {
public UpdateManager(Plugin plugin, CheckType type) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.currentVersion = new Version(plugin.getDescription().getVersion());
this.resourceID = resourceID;
this.type = CheckType.SPIGOT;
this.license = null;
* Construct a new UpdateManager for SBDPlugins
* @param plugin The javaplugin (Main class)
* @param resourceID The resourceID on spigot/sbdplugins
* @param license The license for the download
public UpdateManager(Plugin plugin, int resourceID, String license) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.currentVersion = new Version(plugin.getDescription().getVersion());
this.resourceID = resourceID;
this.type = CheckType.SBDPLUGINS;
this.license = license;
this.type = type;
this.resourceID = Integer.parseInt("%%__RESOURCE__%%");
if (type == CheckType.POLYMART_PAID) {
this.injector_version = Integer.parseInt("%%__INJECT_VER__%%");
this.user_id = Integer.parseInt("%%__USER__%%");
this.nonce = Integer.parseInt("%%__NONCE__%%");
this.download_agent = Integer.parseInt("%%__AGENT__%%");
this.download_time = Integer.parseInt("%%__TIMESTAMP__%%");
this.download_token = "%%__VERIFY_TOKEN__%%";
* Handle the response given by check();
* @param versionResponse The response
* @return The updatemanager
@ -93,23 +86,16 @@ public class UpdateManager {
public void check() {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(this.plugin, () -> {
try {
BufferedReader in = null;
if (type == CheckType.SPIGOT) {
HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(String.format(SPIGOT_API, this.resourceID)).openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
} else if (type == CheckType.SBDPLUGINS) {
HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(String.format(SBDPLUGINS_API, this.resourceID)).openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
HttpsURLConnection con;
if (type == CheckType.POLYMART_PAID) {
con = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(String.format(POLYMART_API, this.resourceID)).openConnection();
} else {
con = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(String.format(SPIGOT_API, this.resourceID)).openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "SBDChecker/2.1");
if (in == null) return;
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
@ -117,10 +103,7 @@ public class UpdateManager {
String version = parser.parse(response.toString()).getAsJsonObject().get(type == CheckType.SPIGOT ? "name" : "version").getAsString();
if (version == null) return;
Version onlineVersion = new Version(version);
Version onlineVersion = new Version(response.toString());
VersionResponse verRes = this.currentVersion.check(onlineVersion);
@ -153,35 +136,16 @@ public class UpdateManager {
ReadableByteChannel channel;
try {
int response;
InputStream stream;
HttpsURLConnection connection;
if (type == CheckType.SBDPLUGINS) {
connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(String.format(SBDPLUGINS_DOWNLOAD, this.resourceID)).openConnection();
String urlParameters = "license=" + license + "&port=" + Bukkit.getPort();
byte[] postData = urlParameters.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
int postDataLength = postData.length;
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
connection.setRequestProperty("charset", "utf-8");
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(postDataLength));
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
if (type == CheckType.POLYMART_PAID) {
connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(String.format(POLYMART_DOWNLOAD, this.injector_version, this.resourceID, this.user_id, this.nonce, this.download_agent, this.download_time, this.download_token)).openConnection();
} else {
connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(String.format(SPIGOT_DOWNLOAD, this.resourceID)).openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
response = connection.getResponseCode();
stream = connection.getInputStream();
if (response != 200) {
InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream();
if (connection.getResponseCode() != 200) {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));
String inputLine;
@ -191,7 +155,7 @@ public class UpdateManager {
throw new RuntimeException("Download returned status #" + response, new Throwable(responsestr.toString()));
throw new RuntimeException("Download returned status #" + connection.getResponseCode(), new Throwable(responsestr.toString()));
channel = Channels.newChannel(stream);
@ -234,9 +198,7 @@ public class UpdateManager {
private File getPluginFile() {
if (!(this.plugin instanceof JavaPlugin)) {
return null;
if (!(this.plugin instanceof JavaPlugin)) { return null; }
try {
Method method = JavaPlugin.class.getDeclaredMethod("getFile");
@ -246,8 +208,8 @@ public class UpdateManager {
private enum CheckType {
public enum CheckType {
public enum VersionResponse {
@ -265,18 +227,18 @@ public class UpdateManager {
private final String version;
private Version(String version) {
if (version == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Version can not be null");
if (!version.matches("[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid version format");
this.version = version;
public final String get() {
return this.version;
private Version(String version) {
if(version == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Version can not be null");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid version format");
this.version = version;
private VersionResponse check(Version that) {
String[] thisParts = this.get().split("\\.");
String[] thatParts = that.get().split("\\.");
@ -285,12 +247,12 @@ public class UpdateManager {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int thisPart = i < thisParts.length ? Integer.parseInt(thisParts[i]) : 0;
int thatPart = i < thatParts.length ? Integer.parseInt(thatParts[i]) : 0;
if (thisPart < thatPart)
if(thisPart < thatPart)
return VersionResponse.FOUND_NEW;
if (thisPart > thatPart)
if(thisPart > thatPart)
return VersionResponse.THIS_NEWER;
return VersionResponse.LATEST;

View file

@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ public class ConfigUtil {
* Send a message from the messages.yml without variables
* Send a message from the lang_en.yml without variables
* @param p The commandsender to send it to
* @param path The path to look for
public static void sendMessage(CommandSender p, @Nonnull String path) {
if (V10LiftPlugin.getMessages().getFile().get(path) == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Message " + path + " not found in messages.yml!");
throw new NullPointerException("Message " + path + " not found in lang_en.yml!");
if (V10LiftPlugin.getMessages().getFile().isList(path)) {
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class ConfigUtil {
* Get a message from the messages.yml with variables
* Get a message from the lang_en.yml with variables
* @param p The commandsender to send it to
* @param path The path to look for
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class ConfigUtil {
public static void sendMessage(CommandSender p, @Nonnull String path, Map<String, String> replacement) {
if (V10LiftPlugin.getMessages().getFile().get(path) == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Message " + path + " not found in messages.yml!");
throw new NullPointerException("Message " + path + " not found in lang_en.yml!");
if (V10LiftPlugin.getMessages().getFile().isList(path)) {

View file

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
# The language to use for the messages
Locale: en
# Generic sign texts
SignText: "[v10lift]"
DefectText: "&kDefect!"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
nopermission: '&cYou don''t have the permission to do this.'
playeronly: '&cOnly players can do this.'
incorrectusage: '&cPlease use %Command% instead'
internalerror: '&cSomething went wrong internally.'
doesntexists: '&cThere are no lifts with that name.'
alreadyexists: '&cA lift with that name already exists.'
switchonedit: '&cEnable editor mode before doing this.'
detectionfailed: '&cAutomatic floor detection failed!'
floordoesntexists: '&cThe floor %Name% doesn''t exists!'
nowhitelistpermission: '&cYou can''t go to that floor!'
nofloors: '&cThis elevator has no floors!'
removeliftfirst: '&cYou can''t do this! Remove the lift first.'
removeropefirst: '&cYou can''t do this! Remove the rope first.'
removedoorfirst: '&cYou can''t do this! Remove the door first.'
addblocks: >
&aOkay, now add all the blocks from the cab by right-clicking them.
&awhen finished, type: /v10lift create <Name>
noblocks: '&cYou must add blocks first.'
created: '&aSuccessfully created lift %Name%.'
notremoved: '&cThe lift %Name% couldn''t be removed.'
removed: '&aSuccessfully removed lift %Name%.'
renamed: '&aLift successfully renamed!'
stillineditmode: '&cYou are still in editor mode.'
turnedon: '&aEnabled editor.'
turnedoff: '&aDisabled editor.'
tohigh: '&cThat floor is too high!'
alreadyexists: '&cThat floor already exists!'
doesntexists: '&cThat floor doesn''t exists!'
added: '&aFloor successfully added!'
removed: '&aFloor successfully removed!'
renamed: '&aFloor successfully renamed!'
stilladjusting: '&cYou are still adjusting an input!'
nothingtoremove: '&cThere is no input to remove!'
alreadyadded: '&cThis block has already been chosen as an input. Choose another block!'
noinput: '&cThis block is not an input. Choose another block!'
rightclick: '&aNow right click on the input block!'
created: '&aInput created!'
removed: '&aInput removed!'
stilladjusting: '&cYou are still adjusting an offline input!'
nothingtoremove: '&cThere is no offline input to remove!'
alreadyadded: '&cThis block has already been chosen as an offline input. Choose another block!'
noinput: '&cThis block is not an offline input. Choose another block!'
rightclick: '&aNow right click on the offline input block!'
created: '&aOffline input created!'
removed: '&aOffline input removed!'
disabled: '&aConstruction mode disabled!'
enabled: >
&aNow right-click on the elevator blocks!
&aThen do /v10lift build to save it!
blockadded: '&aBlock added to the elevator.'
blockremoved: '&6Block removed from the elevator.'
blacklistedmaterial: '&cThe material %Name% cannot be used!'
noselection: '&cYou must select a region with the WorldEdit wand first!'
unsupportedselection: '&cThe selection must be cuboid or polygonal!'
blocksadded: '&aBlocks added to the elevator.'
blocksfailed: '&cNot all blocks could be added to the elevator. Failure amount: %Failed%'
worldeditnotenabled: '&cWorldEdit is not enabled on this server!'
stilladjusting: '&cYou are still adjusting a rope.'
onlyup: '&cA rope can only go up!'
onlyonematerial: '&cThe rope must be of the same material!'
alreadyarope: '&cPart of the rope is already part of another rope!'
notarope: '&cThis block is not part of the rope.'
blacklistedmaterial: '&cThe rope is built of blacklisted blocks!'
add: '&aNow right-click on the beginning and the end of the rope.'
delete: '&aNow right-click on the rope.'
clickonend: '&6Now right-click on the end of the rope!'
partremoved: >
&6Start removed!
&6Now right-click on the end of the rope!
created: '&aRope created.'
removed: '&aRope removed.'
blacklistedmaterial: '&cThe material %Name% is currently not supported!'
disabled: '&aDoor editor mode disabled!'
enabled: >
&aNow right-click on the door blocks! (If they are real doors, click on the bottom block)
&aThen do /v10lift door to save it.
created: '&aDoor created.'
removed: '&6Door removed.'
vaultnotfound: '&cYou can''t add a group when Vault is not found.'
notfound: '&cThe group %Name% is not found.'
alreadycontains: '&cThe whitelist already contains this group!'
doesntcontains: '&cThe whitelist doesn''t contain this group!'
added: '&aGroup added to whitelist!'
removed: '&aGroup removed from whitelist!'
notfound: '&cThe player %Name% could not be found.'
alreadycontains: '&cThis user is already on the whitelist'
doesntcontains: '&cThis user isn''t on the whitelist'
added: '&aUser added to whitelist!'
removed: '&aUser removed from whitelist!'
usewithoutname: '&cYou need to be a player to use this command without a name.'
notalift: '&cThis block is not part of a lift.'
withoutname: '&aNow right-click on the block you want to check.'
wrongspeed: '&cThe speed %Speed% is incorrect.'
changed: '&aUpdated lift speed!'
turnedon: '&aSounds are now turned on!'
turnedoff: '&aSounds are now turned off!'
turnedon: '&aRealistic mode turned on!'
turnedoff: '&aRealistic mode turned off!'
alreadydefective: '&cThis lift is already defective!'
disabled: '&aLift disabled!'
notdefective: '&cThis lift isn''t defective!'
itemsneeded: '&cYou need %Amount%x %ItemName%!'
repaired: '&aYou successfully repaired the lift!'
nothingtocancel: '&cOops! You can''t cancel anything.'
cancelled: '&6Cancelled.'
reloaded: '&6Plugin reloaded successfully!'
nonplayer: '&cPlease give a name as a non-player!'
started: '&aLift %Name% started.'
nonplayer: '&cPlease give a name as a non-player!'
nomovingtasks: '&cLift %Name% doesn''t contain any moving tasks!'
started: '&aLift %Name% stopped.'
noname: '&cNo lift name given!'
created: '&aLift sign created!'
removed: '&6Lift sign removed!'
nolifts: '&cThere are no lifts!'
header: '&6Lifts:'
lift: '&6- %Name%'
disabled: '&aThe lift is now offline!'
enabled: '&aThe lift is now online!'

View file

@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
NoPermission: '&cYou don''t have the permission to do this.'
PlayerOnly: '&cOnly players can do this.'
IncorrectUsage: '&cPlease use %Command% instead'
InternalError: '&cSomething went wrong internally.'
DoesntExists: '&cThere are no lifts with that name.'
AlreadyExists: '&cA lift with that name already exists.'
SwitchOnEdit: '&cEnable editor mode before doing this.'
DetectionFailed: '&cAutomatic floor detection failed!'
FloorDoesntExists: '&cThe floor %Name% doesn''t exists!'
NoWhitelistPermission: '&cYou can''t go to that floor!'
NoFloors: '&cThis elevator has no floors!'
RemoveLiftFirst: '&cYou can''t do this! Remove the lift first.'
RemoveRopeFirst: '&cYou can''t do this! Remove the rope first.'
RemoveDoorFirst: '&cYou can''t do this! Remove the door first.'
AddBlocks: |-
&aOkay, now add all the blocks from the cab by right-clicking them.
&awhen finished, type: /v10lift create <Name>
NoBlocks: '&cYou must add blocks first.'
Created: '&aSuccessfully created lift %Name%.'
NotRemoved: '&cThe lift %Name% couldn''t be removed.'
Removed: '&aSuccessfully removed lift %Name%.'
Renamed: '&aLift successfully renamed!'
StillInEditMode: '&cYou are still in editor mode.'
TurnedOn: '&aEnabled editor.'
TurnedOff: '&aDisabled editor.'
ToHigh: '&cThat floor is too high!'
AlreadyExists: '&cThat floor already exists!'
DoesntExists: '&cThat floor doesn''t exists!'
Added: '&aFloor successfully added!'
Removed: '&aFloor successfully removed!'
Renamed: '&aFloor successfully renamed!'
StillAdjusting: '&cYou are still adjusting an input!'
NothingToRemove: '&cThere is no input to remove!'
AlreadyAdded: '&cThis block has already been chosen as an input. Choose another
NoInput: '&cThis block is not an input. Choose another block!'
RightClick: '&aNow right click on the input block!'
Created: '&aInput created!'
Removed: '&aInput removed!'
StillAdjusting: '&cYou are still adjusting an offline input!'
NothingToRemove: '&cThere is no offline input to remove!'
AlreadyAdded: '&cThis block has already been chosen as an offline input. Choose
another block!'
NoInput: '&cThis block is not an offline input. Choose another block!'
RightClick: '&aNow right click on the offline input block!'
Created: '&aOffline input created!'
Removed: '&aOffline input removed!'
Disabled: '&aConstruction mode disabled!'
Enabled: |-
&aNow right-click on the elevator blocks!
&aThen do /v10lift build to save it!
BlockAdded: '&aBlock added to the elevator.'
BlockRemoved: '&6Block removed from the elevator.'
BlacklistedMaterial: '&cThe material %Name% cannot be used!'
NoSelection: '&cYou must select a region with the WorldEdit wand first!'
UnsupportedSelection: '&cThe selection must be cuboid or polygonal!'
BlocksAdded: '&aBlocks added to the elevator.'
BlocksFailed: '&cNot all blocks could be added to the elevator. Failure amount: %Failed%'
WorldEditNotEnabled: '&cWorldEdit is not enabled on this server!'
StillAdjusting: '&cYou are still adjusting a rope.'
OnlyUp: '&cA rope can only go up!'
OnlyOneMaterial: '&cThe rope must be of the same material!'
AlreadyARope: '&cPart of the rope is already part of another rope!'
NotARope: '&cThis block is not part of the rope.'
BlacklistedMaterial: '&cThe rope is build of blacklisted blocks!'
Add: '&aNow right-click on the beginning and the end of the rope.'
Delete: '&aNow right-click on the rope.'
ClickOnEnd: '&6Now right-click on the end of the rope!'
PartRemoved: |-
&6Start removed!
&6Now right-click on the end of the rope!
Created: '&aRope created.'
Removed: '&aRope removed.'
BlacklistedMaterial: '&cThe material %Name% is currently not supported!'
Disabled: '&aDoor editor mode disabled!'
Enabled: |-
&aNow right-click on the door blocks! (If it are real doors, click on the bottom block)
&aThen do /v10lift door to save it.
Created: '&aDoor created.'
Removed: '&6Door removed.'
VaultNotFound: '&cYou can''t add a group when Vault is not found.'
NotFound: '&cThe group %Name% is not found.'
AlreadyContains: '&cThe whitelist already contains this group!'
DoesntContains: '&cThe whitelist doesn''t contain this group!'
Added: '&aGroup added to whitelist!'
Removed: '&aGroup removed from whitelist!'
NotFound: '&cThe player %Name% could not be found.'
AlreadyContains: '&cThis user is already on the whitelist'
DoesntContains: '&cThis user isn''t on the whitelist'
Added: '&aUser added to whitelist!'
Removed: '&aUser removed from whitelist!'
UseWithoutName: '&cYou need to be a player to use this command without name.'
NotALift: '&cThis block is not part of a lift.'
WithoutName: '&aNow right-click on the block you want to check.'
WrongSpeed: '&cThe speed %Speed% is incorrect.'
Changed: '&aUpdated lift speed!'
TurnedOn: '&aSounds are now turned on!'
TurnedOff: '&aSounds are now turned off!'
TurnedOn: '&aRealistic mode turned on!'
TurnedOff: '&aRealistic mode turned off!'
AlreadyDefective: '&cThis lift is already defective!'
Disabled: '&aLift disabled!'
NotDefective: '&cThis lift isn''t defective!'
ItemsNeeded: '&cYou need %Amount%x %ItemName%!'
Repaired: '&aYou successfully repaired the lift!'
NothingToCancel: '&cOops! You can''t cancel anything.'
Cancelled: '&6Cancelled.'
Reloaded: '&6Plugin reloaded successfully!'
NonPlayer: '&cPlease give a name as non-player!'
Started: '&aLift %Name% started.'
NonPlayer: '&cPlease give a name as non-player!'
NoMovingTasks: '&cLift %Name% doesn''t contain any movingtasks!'
Started: '&aLift %Name% stopped.'
NoName: '&cNo lift name given!'
Created: '&aLift sign created!'
Removed: '&6Lift sign removed!'
NoLifts: '&cThere are no lifts!'
Header: '&6Lifts:'
Lift: '&6- %Name%'
Disabled: '&aThe lift is now offline!'
Enabled: '&aThe lift is now online!'

View file

@ -3,27 +3,4 @@ main: tech.sbdevelopment.v10lift.V10LiftPlugin
version: ${project.version}
api-version: "1.13"
author: SBDeveloper
softdepend: ["Vault", "WorldEdit"]
description: The V10Lift Command
description: The full power admin permission
default: op
description: The permission to build a lift
description: Reload the plugin
description: Repair a lift
description: Disable a lift
description: Start a lift
description: Stop a lift
description: List all lifts
description: Set a lift offline / online
softdepend: ["Vault", "WorldEdit"]