@extends('layouts.main') @section('content')
Welcome to the audio client page!
Unfortunately, this server hasn't linked their OpenAudioMc account to the panel yet, but when they do, this page will re-direct you to your web client so you can open it from here with your personal login token.
To get started, login to OpenAudioMc+ using `/oa plus`, go to the "API" tab (as seen in the left side of the page) and copy the url labeled "V1 - Get Token" and paste it into the .env file. Remember to change "<PLAYER UUID>" into "%UUID%" for correct installation.
Hey there {{ Auth::user()->username() }}!
You aren't online in the server right now and thus can't connect to the audio client. Please login or try again in a few seconds.
You seem to already have an open session with the audio client. You may dismiss this page since you are already connected or try again in a few seconds if you have closed it recently.