package nl.sbdeveloper.showapi.utils; import fr.minuskube.inv.InventoryManager; import fr.minuskube.inv.SmartInventory; import fr.minuskube.inv.content.InventoryContents; import fr.minuskube.inv.content.InventoryProvider; import nl.sbdeveloper.showapi.ShowAPIPlugin; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import static nl.sbdeveloper.showapi.utils.MainUtil.__; public abstract class Inventory implements InventoryProvider { /* This file is part of FrogRacing. Copyright (c) 2018-2021 FrogNetwork - All Rights Reserved Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited Proprietary and confidential Written by Stijn Bannink , March 2020 */ private static InventoryManager manager; protected SmartInventory inventory; public Inventory(int rows, String title) { this(rows, title, true); //Standaard sluitbaar! } public Inventory(int rows, String title, boolean closeable) { this.inventory = SmartInventory.builder().id(title).provider(this).manager(manager).size(rows, 9).closeable(closeable).title(__("&8" + title)).build(); } @Override public void update(Player player, InventoryContents contents) { // Niet altijd nodig, daarom staat hij hier alvast. } protected void open(Player player) {; } protected void open(Player player, int page) {, page); } public void close(Player player) { this.inventory.close(player); } public static void init() { manager = new InventoryManager(ShowAPIPlugin.getInstance()); manager.init(); } }