sidebar_label: Plugin & Locale

# Plugin Configuration

This page explains the `config.yml` file, which contains generic configuration.

**This is a configuration page for the __legacy__ VehiclesPlus v2.** If you are looking for the setup page for the new
VehiclesPlus v3, click [here](/vehiclesplus-v3/setup).

*Per setting will be explained what it means as a comment (`#`).*

config-version: 1.0.4

# DO NOT CHANGE, check below
locale: en

# If true, vehicles can drive over slabs
canDriveOverSlabs: true

# If true, vehicles can drive over full blocks
canDriveOverBlocks: true

# The division made to decide the price of a reperation
# If the vehicle costs 350.000, the reperation will cost 350.000 / 100 = 3500
repairCostDivision: 100.0

# If true, vehicles can take damage at interaction of blocks / entities
vehicleDamage: true

# If true, vehicles will stop at collision
entityCollisionStop: true

# If true, the colliding vehicle will get damage at collision
entityCollisionDamageSelf: true

# If true, the colliding entity (for example player) will get damage at collision
entityCollisionDamageEntity: true

# The cost of chaning the name of a vehicle
renameCost: 1000.0

# The cost of changing the owner of a vehicle
ownerChangeCost: 1000.0

# Will not do anything at the moment
onlySpawnOnSpawnpoints: false

# If true, players will get an actionbar when controlling a vehicle (with speeds, health, etc.)
showActionBar: true

# If true, vehicles spawn in the locked state
vehiclesSpawnLocked: true

# Changing the locale

Do not change the locale setting inside the settings file, instead follow these steps!

1. Stop the server
2. Inside the plugin folder go to the directory 'locale'
3. Change the name of the desired language file to 'lang_en.yml' (Note: The old lang_en.yml should be renamed to
   something like lang_en_old.yml)
4. Start the server