Converted all old docs to new one
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sidebar_label: About
sidebar_position: 1
# About
ActionFoto is a plugin that allows you to create theme park style action photos. It is a great way to add some fun to
your server and give your players a way to remember their time on your server.
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## Images aren't send to the panel. How to fix?
First check if you don't get any errors. If not, make sure the name of the ActionFoto board is also the name of a
ThemePark ride.
If you get an error, please check below.
### I get an `PacketTooBigException`:
The error looks like
this: `com.mysql.jdbc.PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large. You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet' variable.`
As you can see, you have to change the max_allowed_packet setting. Open the `my.cnf` file and
change `max_allowed_packet` from 32M to 256M. This will allow us to send bigger images.
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sidebar_label: Setup
sidebar_position: 2
# Setup
1. Make sure you have installed [MapReflectionAPI](
and [ProtocolLib]( in your server. These are required for
2. Download the [plugin from Polymart]( Then just install it into your
plugins folder. The plugin will start up and function out of the box.
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sidebar_label: Usage
sidebar_position: 2
# Usage
## Commands:
- `/af info` - Information about the plugin
- `/af help` - Get list of commands
- `/af reload` - reload the plugin
- `/af create <name>` - Create an itemframe section.
- `/af addframes <name>` - Add one/more frame(s) to an itemframe section
- `/af take <name> <player>` - Take a picture of an/multiple user(s) and add it to the next available itemframe in an
itemframe section. The player can be either a name or a radius (r=5). You can't use the Minecraft selectors!
- `/af give [user] <imageuser>` - Give a User a picture of the ImageUser.
- `/af reset <name> <framenumber/all>` - Reset one/all itemframes
- `/af remove <name>` - Remove an itemframe section.
## Permissions:
- `af.admin` - The general admin permission
- `af.give` - The give command permission
## Signs:
ActionFoto contains a Traincarts sign.
## Layer system:
The existing layers are: `BACKGROUND` (full size image), `PLAYERSKIN` (replaces `%UUID%` by the player UUID), `IMAGE` (a
normal image), `TEXT` (just text, use `%PLAYERNAME%` for the name of the player).
See the examples below:
#Background layer:
#Playerskin layer:
X: 40 #X position, from top left
Y: 40 #Y position, from top left
#Image player
X: 30 #X position, from top left
Y: 20 #Y position, from top left
Width: 60 #Width (pixels)
Height: 40 #Height (pixels)
#Text layer
Type: TEXT
Value: 'Hello!'
X: 20 #X position, from top left
Y: 30 #Y position, from top left
#Font is optional!
Name: Tahoma #The font name (must be supported by java)
Type: 0 #The font type (see below)
Size: 8.0 #Font size (pixels)
You can find a list
of [available fonts here]( The
types are: 0 (Plain), 1 (Bold) and 2 (Italic).
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ themeparks, but we also make plugins for other servers.
Find out more about our plugins below:
- [VehiclesPlus](/en/vehiclesplus/about)
- *[VehiclesPlus v2 (LEGACY)](/en/vehiclesplus/setup) - No support anymore, for archiving only!*
- *[ThemePark series](/en/themepark/about) - No support anymore, for archiving only!*
- *[ActionFoto](/en/actionfoto/about) - No support anymore, for archiving only!*
- *[RidecountViewer](/en/ridecountviewer/about) - No support anymore, for archiving only!*
- [VehiclesPlus](/vehiclesplus-v3/about)
- *[VehiclesPlus v2 (LEGACY)](/vehiclesplus/setup) - No support anymore, for archiving only!*
- *[ThemePark series](/themepark/about) - No support anymore, for archiving only!*
- *[ActionFoto](/actionfoto/about) - No support anymore, for archiving only!*
- *[RidecountViewer](/ridecountviewer/about) - No support anymore, for archiving only!*
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# About
RidecountViewer is a plugin that allows you to create a ride count leaderboard for your server. It can use the data from
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## All the names of bedrock players are shown as "Unknown". How to fix?
To look up the names of offline bedrock players, we use an API. This API requires a token to work. You can claim a token
like this:
1. Go to [XAPI registration]( and fill in the form. The Free plan should work just fine, as we
store player names in cache. Then check your email to verify your account.
2. [Sign in to your account]( Then login to your Xbox Live account on the Profile page. You can
use the OAuth or fill in your account details manually.
3. Copy the **API Token**, go to your server files, and then to `/plugins/ThemeParkRidecountAddon/config.yml`, and paste
it after `XAPIToken`.
4. Done! Restart your server, and now you should see the correct player names for Bedrock players.
**NOTE:** Because of privacy reasons, if the player has disabled viewing their name for non-friends, you can
only view their name if you are a friend of them.
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# Setup
1. Make sure you have installed [MapReflectionAPI]( and [ProtocolLib]( in your server. These are required for ActionFoto.
2. Download the [plugin from Polymart]( Then just install it into your plugins folder. The plugin will start up and function out of the box.
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# Usage
## Commands
- `/rv help` - Get list of commands
- `/rv reload` - Reload the plugin
- `/rv create <RideID> <UpdateFrequency>` - Create a ridecount itemframe. The UpdateFrequency is `NEVER`, `DAILY` or `WEEKLY`.
- `/rv update <RideID>` - Force the update of a ridecount itemframe.
- `/rv remove <RideID>` - Remove a ridecount itemframe.
## Permissions
- `rv.admin` - The general admin permission (for all the commands)
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# What is the ThemePark series?
The ThemePark series consists of ThemePark, ThemeParkPlus and ThemeParkPlus Extension.
## ThemePark
ThemePark is a free plugin, which provides a ride status menu and some other features.
## ThemeParkPlus
ThemeParkPlus is a paid package adding more features to ThemePark.
- **ThemeParkPlus** → A plugin adding one-way gates, light controls, and more.
- **ThemeParkConnector** → A plugin connecting your ThemePark plugin with the ThemeParkPanel.
- **ThemeParkPanel** → A panel to view ride states, sell tickets for shows, and more.
## ThemeParkPlus Extension
ThemeParkPlus Extension adds more features to ThemeParkPanel. It adds the ability to control rides from the panel.
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## ThemePark
### How can I create an attraction?
That's very simple. You have to use the attraction.yml file for this:
Go to the ThemePark folder in the plugins folder, there yiy want to go into the attractions folder. In here choose
the `<region id>.yml` for the region you want to add the attraction to.
Under attractions: you have to create a new attraction. Copy it from a attraction you've already made or from here. Pay
attention that you get something like this (with other names):
name: "&aTest"
type: RIDE
status: CLOSED
location: "world:418:65:30"
name: "&aTest 2"
type: RIDE
status: CLOSED
location: "world:418:65:30"
In this case, test is the ID of the attraction. name contians the name of the ride, type is RIDE. If you want to create
a show, you have to put SHOW there. The status is CLOSED but you can use any status for this, you can also change it
in-game. The location can also be changed in-game.
## How do you disable the item in specific worlds?
To do this you have to use the settings.yml file and add the world to the worlds tab of the item. If I want to disable
the world with the name "world_name" I need to add it to the list of worlds like done bellow.
- world_name
## ThemeParkPlus
### How can I set up the Discord Status system?
1. Go to the `config.yml` file of ThemeParkPlus
2. Set `DiscordUpdates.Enabled` to `true`
3. Create a webhook URL of Discord. See the GIF below.
4. Copy the URL of the webhook, and paste it into `DiscordUpdates.WebhookURL`
5. Now you can change the other settings if you want.
6. Done! Restart your server, and it will work. ;)

### How can I give someone admin permissions in the panel?
1. Log in to your database with PHPMyAdmin. Then go to the `users` table.
2. Here you have to find the user you want to give the admin right, and then change the value of `userAdmin` from 0 to
### What does "Disconnected from socket." mean?
The socket can't connect if:
- Your MC name does not match, or the PIN (generated by the sign) does not match.
- The MC server has no socket connection, the MC server has a different ID then the panel, or the ID is used by multiple
servers (and thus taken).
- The attraction is not OPEN/CLOSED AND not ACTIVE/INACTIVE.
- The attraction is not in the panels.yml file.
### How can I setup the OpenAudioMC integration?
1. Go to the CraftMend Account panel. Create a new account or login to your account. Get a new fingerprint from the
fingerprint page and run the connect command (`/oa fingerprint <FingerPrint>`) in your server. Then go to the API
page. Copy the URL labeled Online Players - V1 and paste it into the `.env` file at `OPENAUDIOMC_URL`.
2. Change `{your api key}` into the API token you can get on the same page, and change `{server id}` into the Server ID
of the server you want to connect (you can find that on the server page).

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# ThemePark
1. Download the plugin from [Spigot](
or [Polymart](
2. Put the plugin JAR into the `/plugins` folder of your server.
3. Restart your server.
# ThemeParkPlus
1. Make sure you have [ThemePark](#themepark) installed.
2. Make sure you have [WorldEdit](
and [WorldGuard]( installed.
3. Make sure you have [Vault]( and an economy manager (
like [EssentialsX]( installed.
4. Download the plugin from [Polymart](
5. Put the plugin JAR into the `/plugins` folder of your server.
6. Restart your server.
# ThemeParkPanel
1. Make sure you have [ThemePark](#themepark) installed on your Minecraft server.
2. To proceed, choose the type you want to install this panel on:
- [Shared webhosting](/themepark/setup/shared) - If you own webhosting (you share with others)
- [VPS running Linux](/themepark/setup/linux) - If you own an VPS running Linux
# ThemeParkPanelPlus
**Make sure to follow the ThemeParkPanel instructions first!**
1. Open the `settings.yml` from ThemeParkConnector. Then change the `` to something unique for your server.
Make sure to save the ID somewhere, because you need it for Step 5.
2. Change the `socket.panel` URL to your own panel domain. For
example ``. *(do **NOT** remove the `%%` variables)*
3. Extract the files from the ThemeParkPanelPlus ZIP into the root folder of your ThemeParkPanel installation.
4. Open the `routes/web.php` and append the following at the end:
Route::get('/control/{attraction_id}/{pin}', 'ControlController@index');
5. Open the `.env` file and append the following at the end:
Make sure to change `CHANGEME` into the ID you configured in Step 1.
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"label": "Setup",
"className": "hidden"
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sidebar_label: VPS running Linux
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import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
# VPS running Linux
This guide will guide you through the installation of ThemeParkPanel on an VPS running Linux.
*It assumes you are on the Ubuntu distro. If you are on another distro, some commands my vary.*
## 1. Webserver setup (LEMP)
We are going to use Nginx and MariaDB for this installation. Run the following commands in sequence.
# Add 'add-apt-repository` command
apt -y install software-properties-common curl apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg
# Install the required repositories
LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php
curl -sS | sudo bash
# Update repositories list
apt update
# Install dependencies
apt -y install php8.1 php8.1-{cli,gd,mysql,pdo,mbstring,tokenizer,bcmath,xml,fpm,curl,zip} openssl git unzip mariadb-server nginx
# Install composer
curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
# Create panel directory
mkdir -p /var/www/themeparkpanel
## 2. Uploading the files
**You need remote file transfer software to upload the files to your VPS. You can use for example Filezilla or
WinSCP. *This guide assumes you have WinSCP.***
1. Click on **New Site**. Then enter your SSH details. Then click on **Login**.

2. Go to the `/var/www/themeparkpanel` directory and upload the files of **the SSH zip**.
3. Run the following command to fix the file permissions:
chmod -R 755 storage/* bootstrap/cache/
## 3. Creating the MySQL database
1. Run the following command to enter the MariaDB console.
mysql -u root -p
And enter the following SQL commands in sequence.
# Make sure to replace 'yourPassword' with a secure password
CREATE USER 'themeparkpanel'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourPassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON panel.* TO 'themeparkpanel'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;
2. Open the `/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf` file and replace the value of the `bind-address` setting
with ``.
[ mysqld ]
# Replace the with
3. Run the following command to restart the MariaDB server.
systemctl restart mariadb
## 4. Configuration of the panel
1. Copy the .env.example file to .env (using `cp .env.example .env`) and open the `.env` file.
- Change `APP_URL` to the URL of your panel
- At `DB_` change the credentials to the database details created above.
- At `MAIL_` change the credentials to the credentials of an email account.
2. Run the followings command in sequence to proceed the installation.
# Install dependencies
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
# Generate the key
php artisan key:generate --force
# Populate the database
php artisan migrate --force
# Fix file permissions for the panel
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/themeparkpanel/*
## 5. Configuration of the webserver
Choose if you want to add SSL encryption to your panel or not.
<TabItem value="without-ssl" label="Without SSL">
*We include an example configuration to serve our panel. Make sure to replace `%DOMAIN` with the full domain, and `%PATH%` with the full installation path (probably `/var/www/themeparkpanel`).*
1. Create `/etc/nginx/sites-available/themeparkpanel.conf` and put the following content in it.
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /var/www/themeparkpanel/public;
server_name %DOMAIN%;
index index.php index.html index.nginx-debian.html;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock;
location ~ /\.ht {
deny all;
location ~ /.well-known {
allow all;
2. Run the following commands.
# Link the configuration to the enabled directory
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/themeparkpanel.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/themeparkpanel.conf
# Restart Nginx
systemctl restart nginx
<TabItem value="with-ssl" label="With SSL">
*We include an example configuration to serve our panel. Make sure to replace `%DOMAIN` with the full domain, and `%PATH%` with the full installation path (probably `/var/www/themeparkpanel`).*
1. Create `/etc/nginx/sites-available/themeparkpanel.conf` and put the following content in it.
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
server_name %DOMAIN%;
return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/%DOMAIN%/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/%DOMAIN%/privkey.pem;
root /var/www/themeparkpanel/public;
index index.php index.html;
server_name %DOMAIN%;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock;
location ~ /\.ht {
deny all;
location ~ /.well-known {
allow all;
2. Create your SSL certificate. You can use for example Certbot to do this for you.
3. Run the following commands.
# Link the configuration to the enabled directory
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/themeparkpanel.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/themeparkpanel.conf
# Restart Nginx
systemctl restart nginx
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sidebar_label: Shared Webhosting
sidebar_position: 1
# Shared Webhosting
This guide will guide you through the installation of ThemeParkPanel on a shared webhosting.
*It assumes your hosting is using DirectAdmin. If your hosting does not use DirectAdmin, please ask your hosting to do
specific things if you are unsure.*
## 1. Creating the MySQL database
1. Click on `MySQL Management` under **Account Manager** in the left sidebar.
2. Click on `Create New Database` on the right sidebar.

3. Fill in the details. Think of a name for the database and user, like `themeparkpanel`. It's recommended to generate a
strong password.

**Make sure to safe the entered details somewhere, because you need them later!**
4. **Click on the name of the database.** Then add `%` to the **Access Hosts**. Click on **Add New**. This makes sure
your Minecraft server can also access the database.

5. Open phpMyAdmin (most of the time this can be found under **Extra Features** in the sidebar). Click on the name of
your database in the sidebar. Then click on **Import** in the top menu. Click on **Choose file** and upload the
provided `ThemeParkPanel.sql` file. Finish by clicking on **Import**.

## 2. Creating an email account
1. Click on `E-mail accounts` under **E-mail Manager** in the left sidebar. Then click on **Create Account** in the
right sidebar.
2. Fill in the details. Think of a name for the email account, like `panel`. It's recommended to generate a strong

## 3. Uploading the files
**You need remote file transfer software to upload the files to your webhosting. You can use for example Filezilla or
WinSCP. *This guide assumes you have WinSCP.***
1. Click on **New Site**. Then enter the details of your webhosting account. *If you are unsure what to use, contact
your hosting.* Then click on **Login**.

2. **Select the folder with the name of your domain name.** Then upload the files in **the Non-SSH zip file**.
3. Copy the `.env.example` file and rename the copy to `.env`.
4. Start configuring your panel by opening the `.env` file.
- Change `APP_URL` to the URL of your panel
- At `DB_` change the credentials to the database details created above.
- At `MAIL_` change the credentials to the mail details created above. *Not sure what to enter for the host, port or
encryption? Ask your hosting.*
Some webhostings only support SSL (instead of TLS)! Change the `MAIL_ENCRYPTION` setting to `ssl`. No encryption at all?
Make the setting empty.
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sidebar_label: Usage
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# ThemePark
Information about the ThemePark plugin.
## Commands and Permissions
| Command | Description | Permission |
| `/themepark help` | Display the help list. | |
| `/themepark menu` | Open the attraction menu. | |
| `/themepark item` | Get the attraction menu item. | |
| `/themepark region list` | Get a list of all the regions. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark region create <Region ID> <Name>` | Create a new region with ID and displayname. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark region name <Region ID> <Name>` | Change the name of a region by ID. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark region material <Region ID> <Material>` | Change the item of the region in the attraction menu by ID. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark region remove <Region ID>` | Delete a region by ID. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark attraction list` | Get a list of all the attractions. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark attraction warp <Attraction ID>` | Warp to an attraction by ID. | |
| `/themepark attraction create <Attraction ID> <Region ID> <Name>` | Create a new attraction with ID, region ID and displayname. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark attraction name <Attraction ID> <Name>` | Change the name of an attraction by ID. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark attraction cover <Attraction ID> <Cover>` | Change the cover image of an attraction by ID.<br/>**Only applicable if ThemeParkPanel is used!** | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark attraction status <Attraction ID> <Status>` | Change the status of an attraction by ID.<br/>*Available statuses are listed below.* | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark attraction location <Attraction ID>` | Change the location of an attraction to your current location by ID. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark attraction remove <Attraction ID>` | Delete an attraction by ID. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark status name <Status> <Name>` | Change the name of a status. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark status color <Status> <Color>` | Change the color of a status.<br/>*For example: `&4`* | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark status hex_color <Status> <Color>` | Change the HEX color of a status.<br/>*For example: `#3498db`*<br/>**Only applicable if ThemeParkPanel is used!** | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark status material <Status> <Material>` | Change the material of a status in the attraction menu. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark status teleport <Status> <Teleport?>` | Set if players can teleport from the attraction menu at a specific status.<br/>*Available: `true` / `false`* | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark ridecount get <Attraction ID> <Player>` | Get the ridecount of a player by an attraction ID. | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark ridecount add <Attraction ID> <Selector> <Amount>` | Add an amount to the ridecount of a (set of) player(s). *Use the Minecraft selector to select players. For example: @a[region=myrideregion]* | themepark.admin |
| `/themepark ridecount total_type <Type>` | Change for which interval ridecount values will be valid.<br/>*Available: `DAILY`, `WEEKLY`, `MONTHLY`, `YEARLY`, `TOTAL` (Where TOTAL is always valid)* | themepark.admin |
## Signs
### Status
ThemePark provides a status sign which shows the status of an attraction and can teleport players to the attraction at
<Attraction ID>
The first line can be changed in the `settings.yml`. Make sure to adapt at creation.
### Ridecount
ThemePark provides a [TrainCarts]( sign for adding to the ridecount
of an attraction.
<Attraction ID>
# ThemeParkConnector
Information about the ThemeParkConnector plugin.
## Commands
- `/tpc reload` - Reload the plugin.
- `/tpc redeem <Voucher>` - Redeem a voucher for a show.
- `/tpc state <Attraction ID> <Button ID> <State ID` - Change the state of a button for an attraction at the online
panel. Most of the time, you use this command in a commandblock.
## Permissions
- `themepark.admin` - All the other functions who are for admins!
- `themepark.control` - Needed to control attractions on the panel
## Signs
### Control sign (for online panel):
<Attraction ID>
### Ticket sign (for online panel):
[Scanner Tag]
<Show ID>
<Hour>:<Minute>( <Day>-<Month>-<Year>)
Options between ( ) are optional. The scanner tag can be found in `settings.yml`.
# ThemeParkPlus
## Commands
- `/themeparkplus opengate <World> <X> <Y> <Z> [ARG 1] [ARG 2]` - This command opens a gate.
If you fill in a number of players in ARG 1, it will close if that amount of players passed the gate. If you fill in a
direction in ARG 1, it will only let the players through the gate if the walk in that direction.
If you fill in a direction in ARG 2, it will only let the players through the gate if the walk in that direction. But
you also need to use ARG 1, with a amount of players for this.
- `/themeparkplus closegate <World> <X> <Y> <Z>` - This command closes a gate.
- `/themeparkplus lampon <World> <X> <Y> <Z> [Seconds on]` - This command will turn on a redstone lamp. If you fill in
an amount of seconds, it will go off after that amount of seconds.
- `/themeparkplus lampoff <World> <X> <Y> <Z>` - This command will turn off a redstone lamp.
- `/themeparkplus lampson <World> <X1> <Y1> <Z1> <X2> <Y2> <Z2> [Seconds on]` - This command will turn on all the
redstone lamps in the region. If you fill in an amount of seconds, they will go off after that amount of seconds.
- `/themeparkplus lampsoff <World> <X> <Y> <Z>` - This command will turn off all the redstone lamps in the region.
## Permissions
- `ThemeParkPlus.OpenGate` - The opengate command permission
- `ThemeParkPlus.CloseGate` - The closegate command permission
- `ThemeParkPlus.LampOn` - The lampoff command permission
- `ThemeParkPlus.LampOff` - The lampoff command permission
- `ThemeParkPlus.CreateFPSign` - The fastpass sign create permission
## Signs
### Fastpass Machine:
<Ride ID>
### Fastpass Checker:
<Teleport or gate location -> X:Y:Z>
### Waitingrow:
If you create your first waitingrow for an attraction, you have to make a selection of the row with the WorldEdit wand (
left click for Pos1, right click for Pos2), and create an WorldGuard region with that selection.
<Ride ID>
[Region ID]
The Region ID is only needed if it's the first sign for that Ride.
### Malfunction GUI: