Make armorstand interactions cancelable
I am not planning to fix this for v2 anymore since the api is a mess and I don't think stijn wants to do it either so this is not happening, V3 is pretty much around the corner I am talking…
Vehicle not moving/moving slow while looking down
Confirmed this issue on 1.20.2, does not seem to be version related. Looking into this.
Vehicle not moving/moving slow while looking down
Okay thanks, will try the same on 1.17.1 myself and let you know.
Vehicle not moving/moving slow while looking down
@DanielDark1 We do not support 1.16.x because of multiple armorstand related issues. Could you try another version (like 1.17.x or 1.20.2)?
Plugin not handling chunk load/unload
exitWhileMoving does not work for flying vehicles
deleted branch renovate/configure from SBDevelopment/CommandAPI
2023-10-15 13:42:35 +00:00